Three's the charm... Right?

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"Do you ever...Get bored of it?" Zak asked as we laid in bed snuggled against each other.

"Of it? Sex?" I asked cocking my head up to see his face.

He nodded turning his eyes to me "N-no. Why do you?" I questioned.

The only thought that ran through my mind was that he was bored of me... Not of sex.

"I- I don't know how to word it." He sighed moving his arm from around me to sit up properly in bed. Sensing the change of mood in the room, I sit up too and look at him.

"Just say it." I shrugged.

"I mean... What we have. It's amazing. Special. Don't get me wrong I just..." He pushed his mouth to the side struggling I find the right words.

"You're bored and want something else." I blurted out holding the sheet against my body.

How could we have 2 amazing sex sessions and now he's bored? I just..

"I'm not bored, not if you. God no.." He frowned shaking his head.

"Then what?"

Zak pulled his phone off the side and clicked on an app. Once it opened it became clearer what he wanted...

"You want an open relation- You want another woman more than me?" I asked feeling my heart twist in my chest.

"No. Not- Have you ever had a threesome?" He asked causing my jaw to drop as well as his phone I had been holding.

"I- No. No, why would you ask that? I- have you?!"

He looked at his phone "Well... I was young-"

"You want another man to have sex with me?!" I shrieked getting out of bed pulling the sheet with me.


"After how you threw yourself at Joe?! Acting like a damn caveman! Now you want to what? Jerk off over some man bending me over?!"

"No. Absolutely not!"

"Then wha- oh!" I slapped my forehead with my palm.

"You want another woman... That way it's not classified as cheating right?"

"It wouldn't be like that! I just thought we could... You know experiment, have another woman come in an-"

"Woah, I knew you had a side to you Zak, but this... I don't like." I answered walking away leaving him in bed calling after me.


A few hours later...

I ran my fingertips over my lips as I sat in the garden on his large Buddha sculpture. The thing was the size of a car so I figured curling up on its lap wouldn't hurt. Somehow the cool metal on a hot day was calming to me as the pool rippled gently in the breeze.

My mind had been running a thousand thoughts a minute, wondering how and why this had come up.

Had he met someone else?

Was it something he really wanted?

Did I bore him?

Am I not enough?

How am I suppose to fu-

"Can you come in?" Zak asked standing at the door in his shorts.

"I don't want to." I replied pulling the sheet around me covering my body.

"You'll get sick again." He responded.

I scoffed "Like you care."

"Of course I care!" He snapped before pinching his nose "Please, just come inside the house. I'll keep out your way but sitting there sulking isn't going to help anyone."

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