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I rubbed my head in frustration looking at the pieces of paper in front of me, I had so many questions, so, so many questions and the constant pain in my hand was finally getting the better of me.

Pushing the paper around I picked up one sheet before setting a pencil between my teeth to find the other piece of paper I needed.

I need a high lighter.

My eyes looked up from the paperwork to see Zak was rifling through my bag. "What are you doing?" I asked sliding out from behind the RV table.

"Now she's speaks." He answered shooting me an annoyed look.

"What?" I frowned.

"Don't matter now. I'm here." He snapped pulling out my clothes and dumping them on the side. My panties landed on the floor as he dragged everything out. Embarrassed I shot a look towards Bacon who had just turned in his seat as we stopped.

"Fuck sake Zak." I bit grabbing my underwear.

"Why have you got so much shit in here?! You don't even wear make up so why bring it?" He asked holding the makeup bag in his hand.

My face was already full of blush from displaying my underwear so I decided to return the favour.

"Because I have tampons in there. You know for when I have a period!"

Zak's ears tinged with red, a sign that I had embarrassed him as much as he had embarrassed me.

"Whatever." He shoved the makeup bag at me before growling once he reached the bottom of the bag.

"Where the fucks my charger?!"

"I don't know? Your bag maybe?" I suggested. My patiences were running thin and fading fast. I had no idea what his problem was, but he wasn't going to take it out on me!

"I've already checked, you haven't packed it. For fuck sake Robyn! It's a pretty simple thing to pack."

I scoffed "Then you should have packed it when you packed your bag. No wait, I did it because you couldn't be asked!"

"No because you had a fucking meltdown over nothing!"

My eyes widened "Being scared in my own home is not nothing!"

"That's it isn't it?! It's not your home! It's mine!" He shouted back.

"Oookay! Let's break this up!" Bacon shouted before I could tear Zak a new one. "There's a store there bro, let's go check and see if they sell them."

Zak stormed off the RV leaving me to look at Bacon.

"HOPEFULLY THEY SELL MANNERS TOO!" I yelled out the door earning myself a middle finger.

"Calm down." Bacon sighed digging into his pockets and pulling out a pack of cigarettes.

"How has that just happened?" I asked.

"No idea. Come on walk it off."

I shoved my clothes back in my bag and stormed across the car pack going into the store. With a bad mood setting in, I got what I needed and went straight back to the RV.

"Robyn. Lunch." Zak spoke.

"Bite me."

His hand went to his eyes as he rubbed them "Just get some fucking food, I can't bare you whinging in my ear."

"I've lost my appetite, must be from the energy I'm getting." I replied pulling open the door and slamming it behind me.

With some force I opened the pack of highlighters and sat down ready to work when Zak stormed on the RV.

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