Final twist of Fate.

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"W-why isn't he crying?! Robyn why isn't he crying?!" Zak yelled in panic.

"G-give him!" I panted reaching out as my body trembled with exhaustion.

He passed him over like a bomb waiting to explode. Using the towel I wiped his face clear from mucus. "Come on.." I whispered rubbing his back gently.

"He should be crying!" Zak panicked.

"Shut up!" I yelled back to him before placing my beautiful boy down. My hands were raised waiting for some movement in his little chest but it was struggled.

"H-he can't breathe!" I cried.

Instinct took over and I covered his nose and mouth with my mouth doing the only thing I thought was best.

My mouth filled with water and mucus from his lungs. Spitting it out I did it again.

"S-she's doing something! I don't know! Just hurry up!" Zak ordered.

"Come on baby! Come on!" I whispered doing it once more, spitting the contents of my mouth across the bathroom floor.

I turned him in my arms and patted his back until a struggled noise came from the little human in my hand.

"I haven't carried you to die in my arms! Come on!" I yelled in urgency.

A cry echoed across the bathroom as relief flooded my body making me look at Zak as he sank to the floor beside me.

"You did it! Baby you did it!" He cried as I handed him out little boy.

"H-he needs to be dry. Keep him warm." I instructed.

"Okay. Okay."

I sank back on my legs looking at the bathroom as it tilted on an angle.

My hearing began to muffle until a high pitched noise ran through my ears. I could see Zak shouted towards the door, our little boy cradled against his bare chest.


[24 hours earlier]

I unlocked the door to our home and smiled seeing the familiar sights.

"Guh, am I glad to be home or what?" Zak moaned pulling in our bags as I waddled in front of him.

"Tell me about it. That bed was awful." I complained rubbing my neck.

"Go put your feet up, I'll stick a load of washing on now." He said as I headed towards the large brown couch.

"No, just.. Get us both a drink and then we have an appointment with a couch and a cuddle."

He smiled softly "Whatever you want."

I watched him disappear into the kitchen as I sank down in the soft cushions, with a flick of my shoes, I put them on the poof and took in my ankles.

Being pregnant had its downside. My ankles were the size of two and I was sure I could eat more than Zak and Aaron combined, which is scary considering Aaron eats huge portions for breakfast.

My man returned after a few minutes with two bottles of water, and a towel, passing one bottle to me, he lifted my feet and sat on the poof placing my feet on his knees.

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