Rock and a hard place

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A few days later...


"Zak are you coming out or not?" Robyn asked as I looking up from the laptop.

Twenty minutes ago I had agreed to spend time with her and Gracie instead of replying to emails which I had been doing non-stop since arriving back in Vegas. A few days off built up a lot of work. But those few days were vital, constructive and probably the most important of my life.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I jus-"

"Just got caught up again." She sighed wrapping her arms around my shoulders and burying her head in my neck.


"Are you sure you are okay?" She asked softly causing my eyes to fall away from my own reflection in the laptop screen.

"Mm hm."

How could I tell her that it's been playing on my mind?

How could I tell her that she cries in her sleep begging someone to help our baby?

How she was crying for her parents one night shouting that the train was coming?

How she begged for someone to stop hitting her?

This had stirred up a lot within her but she remained quiet about her problems, a few times she had woke herself from shouting. I had closed my eyes in time before she would roll over and check on me. Then she'd snuggle in and hold me.

"Do you wanna just stay in?" She asked rubbing my chest causing me to sigh.

"No. I need to clear my head." I turned to look up at her "Being outside with water will help."

"Hmm.. Would you like to have time alone outside then? I could always make dinner?" She offered.

I smiled and shook my head "There's only so much noodles I can eat."

She giggled "Yeah, you're gonna have to teach me how to cook. But the downside is I won't get to check out your bum when you bend over."

I had to give it to her. She played a blinder when it came to shutting the painful memories off. Despite the small bags under her eyes from sleep, she alway tried to care for me.

"We can make dinner together tonight, I'll let you in on the Bagan's family pizza."

"Did you say pizza?" She asked playing with my hair whilst rocking us side to side.

"I did, but this pizza is the best you'll ever ea-"

The door bell interrupted us making me look towards the door. Whilst Gracie ran towards the door barking, I got up slowly and gave Robyn a kiss before heading to answer it.

I had only just undone the last lock and pushed the handle down when Aaron barged in.

"Rude." I said instantly as he looked around.

"Where is she?!" He asked angrily.

"Bro.. You need to calm dow-"

"Calm down? Calm down?! I've got her missing, you threatening to walk off the show and then you disappear?! You come back as if nothing had happened and collect Gracie! Where is she Zak?!"

My defensive guard went up and I was about to ask him to calm down or leave when Robyn stepped into view.

"I'm here.."

Aaron threw me a meaningful glare before walking towards her "Where the fuck did you go?! Do you have any idea the trouble you have caused?!" He shouted causing Robyn to lower her head.

"Hey! Don't come in here having a go at her!" I intercepted.

"Shut up!" He pointed to me before looking back at Robyn.

"You can't walk off! You can't just bail on us like that!"

"I'm sor-"


"Aaron!" I shouted pulling him back and placing myself in front of Robyn.

"No! I'm clearly the only one who has the balls to stand up and say something! Nick has gone! We know that! But you think you can drop me like that whilst you swan off! Leave me to run a show alone?!" He shouted at me this time.

"What's he talking about?" Robyn asked stepping out from behind me.

I looked at Robyn seeing the concern in her face but before I could speak Aaron fired off again.

"You fucked off and he thought about going to! You're both selfish! I gave everything to this show! I lost my wife because of this show and you dismiss me, Jay and Billy like we are nothing because She decided to take off!" He yelled pointed at Robyn.

I shoved his hand down meeting his eye level, whilst I moved Robyn behind me with my arm protectively when she slipped under my arm.

"Don't you dare come in here Aaron Goodwin and start shouting the odds! How dare you!" She shouted angrily.

This was not going to end well..

"I'm selfish?! Me! You have just yelled and thrown your weight around in someone else's house thinking you know it all! Well you don't! So why don't you go back out that door and come in appropriately and apologise to your friend and stop being an asshole!" She fired with her fists clenched at her sides.

"So this is what it comes down to again then?! You picking a woman over us! Over your family?!" Aaron asked me.

"Family?! Family understand! Family support and listen! Do even know why I left?! Do you even understand what is happening ri-"

"Robyn!" I bit causing her to stop and glare at me with watery eyes. "No.."

She shook with anger as she looked at us both before storming off leaving me rolling my eyes at another problem.

"What is she taking about?" Aaron asked looking to me.

"Now isn't the time. Can you just..."

"Go? You want me to go? Unbelievable. You're pathetic when you're with a woman. Anyone ever told you that?" He snapped before storming out the front door leaving me at the half way line between them both.

I rubbed the stress in my neck and shoulders, deciding the only thing that can help me was a hot shower away from them both.

I locked the bedroom door and set up the shower, stripping off I got under the hot water, letting it burn my skin as the heat relieved my aching muscles. I shut my mind down of the outside world and all the problems associated with it just letting my mind unwind with the sound of water.

It didn't take a genius to work out that I am now stuck between a rock and a hard place.

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