*Devastating blow.*

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My eyes flickered open before falling shut again, the light seemed too bright and the noise sounded warped until I felt increased pressure on my hand.

"Well tell me what you can do?!" Zak shouted.

"Sir it's a very complic-"

"You help her! I don't care if you gotta make it! You help her!" He demanded.

I tugged my hand as my eyes opened again finding his silhouette, eventually the features became clearer as his Autumn eyes found mine.

"Hey baby." He whispered.

He's worried... What's happened?

"Where am I?" I asked looking to my sides.

"You fainted sweetheart. We are at the hospital."

"I'm okay. I want to go home." I whispered trying to get up when Zak's hands shoved me back down.


"I'm sorry. I- we can't go baby." He stressed.

My eyes found Joe in the room as he looked away from me to the floor.

"W-what's happening?" I asked looking at all of them.

"Ms Yat-"

"Robyn look at me. Look." Zak urged making me look away from the doctor to him. "I love you. I... love you. Okay?"

I nodded before looking at the doctor whose eyes watched me carefully "What's happened to my baby?" I asked.

"Ms Yates.. Today you fainted. Upon arriving we of course learnt you were pregnant.."

"Were? I am pregnant." I corrected him.

"We also found after having female nurses change you, that you are bleeding."

"Ble-" I looked at Zak before holding my stomach. "Make it stop.. Make it stop! Please mak-"

"I'm sorry.. There's nothing more we can do."

"No... No! You're a hospital! You fix things! Fix me! Fix my baby!" I cried.

"Unfortunately I can't. I am very sorry." The doctor spoke sombrely.

"Why? Tell me why at least?!"

"We have no tests to confirm it, but it could be a number of facts, it could be a chromosome or placental issue, it could be from smoking, stress, drinking or even your age. We simply don't know." He answered.

"But you know... You know my baby is gone."

"Yes.." He answered quietly.

I took a shaky breath looking at Zak who kept his eyes down. "I'm sorry." I spoke.

When his eyes snapped up I could see the upset in them, I had caused that..

"No. No you have nothing. Nothing to be sorry for you hear me?" He asked holding my face.

"But you wanted a fami- we won't have a family." I whispered as a tear fell down my cheek.

"I'll have you. You'll have me and Gracie and one day.. One day we will have a new addition. If that's what you want. Baby I'm so sorry." He spoke kissing me.

"Robyn." The doctor spoke making me look at him. "I understand it's an upsetting time, but we have to discuss the next step."

I wiped my face hard and looked at him giving him a nod to continue.

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