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My eyes cracked open to a light room, rolling my head around, I blinked until focus came back to my eyes.

I was alone.

The sound of music and the smell of something amazing made me shift from the bed slowly, looking around I found my boxers and tugged them in before rubbing sleep off my face and leaving the bedroom.

The smells became more defined as Bacon and pancakes filled my nose. As I looked to my left I found Robyn in my shirt dancing away to the radio whilst cooking.

There was ingredients everywhere but I couldn't help turn my attention to her ever wiggling butt as she sang along to Beyoncé - Crazy in love.

Leaning against the doorframe, I took in the sight I had dreamt about for the past week.  Not her cooking, but seeing her in the mornings, her hair in a messy bun, the odd strand escaping by her ears that she tirelessly tucked behind her ears. The shorter strands at the nape of her neck and the endless length of her tanned legs poking out the end of my shirt.

There was no denying I was head over heels for her. Everything she did intrigued me, even the most minuet tasks.

"Got me looking so crazy right now, your love's. Got me looking so crazy right now. Got me looking so crazy right now, your touch.Got me looking so crazy right now. Got me hoping you'll page me right now, your kiss.
Got me hoping you'll save me right now
Looking so crazy in love's,
Got me looking, got me looking so crazy in lo-"

She gasped spinning around with the pan in her hand.

"Morning." I grinned noticing the flour across her face.

She's mine. God had sent me an living breathing angel..

"Hey, I didn't know you were awake. Did I wake you?" She worried, pushing a Bacon onto a plate.

"What woke me, was the emptiness in that bed." I answered crossing the kitchen and pulling her into me.

"The pa-"

I took it from her hand and pushed it onto the side before holding her face and cementing a kiss on her lips.

I could kiss her all day and never tire, I had become fond of the way she would have to eventually tip toe as she tried to return every kiss I gave. It had become a game of mine until eventually one of us would break.

My tongue filled her mouth gently contacting her tongue before retreating away, her hands looked for something to grab, not having a shirt on, she pulled on my shoulders before she rocked back onto her heels satisfied.

I had won.

"You're trying to seduce me. I'll have you know, I'm a very well respected lady." She pouted.

"I could make you filthy in 2 minutes flat." I teased grabbing her backside causing her to fall against my chest with a giggle.

"You're a bad influence on me." Robyn whispered.

"Back at you. What smells so heavenly this morning? Besides you, of course." I asked looking at the kitchen.

"Pancakes, I made them," She smiled "Bacon and maple syrup too. I have strawberries if you prefer."

"You made pancakes? Are you sick?" I asked pushing my hand against her forehead earning myself a light slap to my tummy.

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