Fruit of life.

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A few days later...

I wiggled my feet together salivating at the bowl on my lap. The morning was approaching slowly and despite the lack of sleep I felt amazing.

"Open." I instructed softly lifting a strawberry with cream up towards Zak's mouth.

He let out a soft laugh opening his mouth slightly so I could feed him.

"Hmm." He hummed in a appreciation chewing it as I bit the other half of the strawberry.

His large hands rubbed along my legs which were thrown over his lap, they were left exposed as I had chosen to wear his shirt to bed with a pair of panties. Only now I was minus the panties after an intense nightmare distraction routine we had going.

"That was sweet." I smiled leaning up to give him a kiss before returning back to the bowl.

His fingers moved off my leg and began to play with my hair gently, twisting the ever growing locks between his fingers.

"It's probably in real bad condition." I frowned looking at it.

"No, it's as soft as ever. Maybe I have had something to do with that?" He asked making me smirk.

"Maybe you're right. Next one?" I asked lifting up another piece of fruit, it appeared to be mango. I squealed quietly as he nipped my fingers before kissing them better.


"Hmm?" I looked up from the bowl to see him looking at my neck.

"I know the last few days have been difficult, but you know how much I love you.. Don't you?" He asked.

I nodded "As much as I love you.. If not more, are you okay?"

He fixed a smile quickly "Yeah, I just want to thank you for supporting me. Is all." He answered.

I frowned slightly before holding onto his hand "I'll always support you. Even if I feel out my depth and have no idea what to do."

"Just being there is good enough for me.."

I smiled hearing the honest in his voice. "You're turn baby." He whispered nodding down to the fruit salad on my lap.

I picked up a grape and ate it with a smile.

He began laughing softly making me pout "What?"

"N-nothing sweetie."

"Zak?.... Stop laughing what?"

"Okay, it's just.. When you eat something you enjoy, these wiggle." He grinned holding my feet.

"You're too observant."

"Only of you. Everything you do intrigues me." He replied making me poke my tongue out.

We were sat on the kitchen floor, half naked and eating fruit like it was going out of fashion. At first I thought it was a craving, but then I came to realise that I really did love fruit, something I had never really taken much interest in, until I began living with Zak. He always had a large bowl of fruit laying around and often had an apple in his hand.

Seeing a slice of apple I fed him half and ate the other happily.

His eyes were twinkling in the low light bringing me so much joy, love and emotion. The last few days had been hard, for both of us, physically, emotionally and mentally.

It seemed that he was plagued with nightmares since he was scratched, every time he tried to sleep, he'd wake up screaming, sitting in a pool of sweat and panting heavily. Then he'd turn to me and wake me up to take his mind off the dream that had been terrorising me.

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