All of him

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Finger tips pattered their way up my skin, following the curve of my body before gently gliding over my hip and leg.

"You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen." Zak whispered making me smile.

"You're a dang liar, but I'll take that comment." I whispered making him laugh softly.

We fell silent again, looking at each other laid in bed, naked as the day we were born. I was enthralled by Zak, captive and enslaved by him. I reached across the bed and pushed my fingers into his thick black hair feeling the remnants of the gel, before I placed my hand on the side of his face. His skin warm under my hand as I looked into his eyes, they were beautiful, special and I knew that I'd never see a pair like these for as long as I live. They held so much and gave away so little, it was hard to believe that he was the man at the wedding all those years ago. Zak was like a new man, the hair, the clothes, attitude, the muscle and even facial hair. I traced the scruff on his face and drew my finger across his lips letting my hand fall to his chest.

He picked up my hand placing a kiss on it gently. I moved my legs and winced slightly at the pain between them from the explosive make up session.

"Have I hurt you?" He asked looking down at my body.

"I'm a little sore, but then practice makes perfect." I replied causing a smile to break across his face. I frowned and reached across tracing the scratch marks on his shoulder.

"I bet my backs a lot worse, there's definitely heat on it." He answered making my brows furrow.

"Sorry." I mumbled.

"Don't be. I'm certainly not, you were lost, out of control, in euphoria. But you held onto me, desperately tried to cling onto me. Don't apologise for expressing your love, not with me."

I cocked my head "Where is Zak and what have you done with him?"

He chuckled "You make me all.... I don't know."

I pulled the sheet up and covered my body making him hmph. He wiggled across the bed and pulled me into him.



"Just a cuddle."

"Okay." He answered quietly. We both knew it wasn't going to end up as a simple cuddle, it never did with us.

And sure it didn't...


Stepping out the elevator I smiled to see that night had fallen which meant these interviews could get started.

"How do I look?" Zak asked smoothing out his shirt.

"It's too rude to say in public." I whispered patting his backside. Sliding my arm around his waist we headed to the hotel restaurant meeting the crew at doors for dinner.

"This looks promising..." Bacon spoke making me smile.

"We're okay now." I answered.

Aaron arrived, grumbling about something, it wasn't until he repeated himself that I heard him.

"The walls are paper thin and the people next door were going at it earlier! Seriously thought he was killing her until she went full banshee wailing and moaning. I hope they aren't like that all night." He moaned.

"What room are you?" Bacon asked.


Bacon looked at me instantly as my face went crimson, there was a sudden interest with the carpet as I avoided Bacon's eyes.

We were the neighbours of Aaron, he'd heard us...

"Well sucks to be you, did she enjoy it?" Zak asked making my eyes widen. I almost stamped on his foot.

"Definitely faked, there's no way anyone is that loud. I say fake and he must have a small one too especially if she's gotta perform like that."

I sucked in my cheeks to hold my laughter back as Zak had his own teasing backfiring.

"Guess it sucks to be her then, having to do that." I sighed looking around, only to catch Zak's eyes narrow at me.

He moved away from me and headed inside "Hurry up I'm hungry." He muttered as we followed behind.

We were helping ourselves from the buffet style menu when Aaron took my plate holding it so I could get what I wanted.

"Word to the wise, try not to scream the place down, I almost broke in thinking he had lost it." Aaron whispered.

I blushed profusely "Sorry Aaron."

"Hey, we're all adults. But maybe try and control your loudness shorty. I almost busted in and that's the last thing I wanna see, Zak's lily white ass."

I giggled before taking my plate from him. "Promise to behave. Love you bro."

"Love you too shorty."

I returned to the table to see Zak in a huff, "Aaron knew it was us. He played you for trying to tease me." I informed him.

"Do you fake them? Orgasms?" He asked bluntly causing me to look around in case anyone heard.

"What? W- no, no of course not."

"Really? Well out of ten.."

I groaned "I'm not having this conversation with you. Jesus.."

"I need some sort of feedback." He whispered making me shake my head as I looked at my plate.

"No, you need to eat up. We have work in a bit." I countered.

"Out of ten... Nine?" He guessed.


"A seven? Really?"

I rolled my eyes ignoring his attempts at this new ranking system he had going on in his mind.

"Lower?!" He almost screeched.

"Hush!" I hissed, I looked to see where everyone was before I replied.

"It's good okay, you're good."

"Don't over ease it on the praise. Good isn't great." He muttered shoving his plate away.

I sighed, trying not to get irritated with him, but he had some childish ways.

"Do I like hurting you?" I asked trying a new tactic.

"How should I know?" He grunted.

"Well would I intentionally hurt you?"


"Would I show myself or you up on purpose?" I asked.

"No." He sighed.

"Right, well we've just had Aaron complain over our noise, because I was so loud, and if you need evidence to back that up? Go check your back, which I know is covered in scratch marks. Just like I have a hickey the size of a football pitch on my neck.... again."

He smirked to himself making me want to flick him in the head.

"And if that's not enough... Every time I  step, I almost wince in pain from the aggressive fucking we did. Okay?"

He looked over at me shyly. "Just didn't want to let you down."

I tilted my head "If anyone has let us down, it's me.. I'm gonna have to keep quiet."

"I could always buy a ball gag?" Zak suggested. Although it was a joke, a small part of my mind contemplated on it.

Just for the sake of everyone else in the future, that or maybe a no sex ban  when we are away from home and out of Zak's soundproofed room...

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