Love of a psychopath

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A/n: Readers Discretion is advised throughout this chapter. Disclosure? I'm not completely sick minded, I do watch a lot of crime shows. Hence my twisted ideas. Love to you all. Xx


We were greeted by Jim as we stepped inside the station, with Monroe's clearance we were guided through the station and into a small dark room where a table and chairs sat awaiting interview.

"Now, I will be sat in on the interview as this is a case I've been working on. I understand it is difficult but I must ask you to remain in the room at all times. No matter what is said in that room. Do you understand? I'm putting my neck on the line for you both here. Got it?" Monroe asked looking towards Zak.

He gave a nod glaring at the one way mirror glass. His hands where clenched to his sides as he narrowed his eyes.

"Okay.. If at any time you wish to step out, there will be an officer waiting."

"Let's get on with this." Zak grunted making me take his wrist gently. His hand eased as he took my hand keeping me close to his side.

Monroe signalled to the officer as Zak, myself and Jim took the seats behind a table keeping us at a distance from the glass. Water had been placed there for us if things got too much.

The door opened and an officer stepped inside pulling a man into the room, with some haste he threw him down into the seat. The force made me frown but the mans lips quivered into a smile.

"Tell your mom I left her money on the fridge this morning." He spoke as the office stepped away folding his hand over the corner of the room.

"Do you recognise him?" Monroe asked.


"Yes." I interrupted Zak making his head snap over to me.

"Who is it Robyn?" Jim asked instantly.

"I- He was the one who stabbed Justin. I saw him running away, his hood fell down. I know him from somewhere else too, it has to be him."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive. It's him." I answered looking to Monroe.

"Okay. So we have a witness for the attack-"

"Attempted murder." Jim snapped tightening his folded arms.

"How did you find him?" Zak asked.

"CCTV we caught him getting into a car, with help from officers we managed to track him down to a location within the triangular cell radius."

I twisted to look up at Monroe "You had his cell?"

"It was only by sheer luck, we got it late last night. Picked him up this morning.. I will warn you, in this folder will be the photos taken at the scene. They are... disturbing. It's at your own discretion." He placed a file down which Jim took instantly.

I looked at him as he clenched his jaw. "Get in there Monroe. Before I do, he's harmed my kids."

Jim looked over to me making me swallow back the lump in my throat.

"Thank you." I mumbled to Monroe looking back to the man.

His hair was oily and hung around his eyes. His face was covered in ache, his clothes had been replaced with a white jumpsuit.

"Right.." Monroe left and entered the room opposite us.

I watched on as the basics of the interview got away, Monroe hit record stating the day and time before introducing who was present in the room.

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