The cat is out the bag.

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I sat on the end of the bed in the dark, sleep hadn't came by and I was presuming it wasn't going to any time soon. I longed to look at the moon, to see its nightly glow and bring me some calm in this shit storm.

Holding my bottle of water I drank it back before standing up to get another, the alarm looked different and with a further stare, I found Zak had brought me two drinks to bed. Giving him a small smile I placed one bottle down and picked up another looking back at the emergency shutters.

Since coming home Zak had called the whole house to be on lockdown until we knew what the hell was going on and if we could sort something out.

By sorting something out, he meant running from it. A trait of mine he had picked up.

I looked back at his sleeping form, even with him in a deep sleep, the sound of his light snore and almost limited movements. He still had the line of stress on his face from the constant frown.

Looking to the shutters I almost grumbled, the white metal structure let in nothing, the small holes let no light in and blocked nearly everything out. The only reason I knew a moon was out was because I kissed goodbye to it the moment Zak began shutting us down. He had also taken it upon himself to tape the letter box closed, my guess was he was afraid something else would arrive.

Only something already had.

"Baby?" Zak whispered making my head snap back to him. "What's wrong?"

"N-nothing. I- my throat is dry, and I miss the moon.. Sounds stupid I know but that's all."

"I put water on your stand."

"I'm on the second one now.."

"Dory. And it's not stupid, I feel exactly the same, one thing I loved to do was hold you and look at the moon before we fell asleep. But-"

"But now we can't, because our safety comes first." I answered reciting Zak's words earlier.

He sat up slowly looking around half asleep. "Lay back down." I urged as he sat up off the headboard.

"I need to get you another drink."

"No you don't. I'll drink this one slower, then steal yours, I can also go and get one myself."

"You're not wandering around on your own."

"Zak if I'm not safe here, in this fucking naval base where am I safe too?!" I snapped more than necessary.

"I meant cause of the step... In the kitchen. Are you sure you're okay?" He asked flicking on the light.

I used my hand to shield the light from my eyes. "Partially blinded now." I laughed as he crawled over the bed and touched my face.

"You still feel warm, let me put the fan on, you need to lay down and get some rest. Doctors orders remember."

At the hospital I had fed Zak a half baked lie in a moment of panic. Telling him I had a concussion, and needed rest, bed rest to be exact. I was also anaemic, hence the tiredness, headaches and pale skin. That part of the lie was true, the doctor had told me about my blood levels.

"Yeah, yeah you're right." I nodded laying down on the bed still feeling woozy.

"Sickness left yet?"

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