Night messenger

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"Do you have too?"


"Are you sure?" I asked making Zak nod his head.

"I mean like super positive no way you can change your mind, positive?" I asked again.

"Roo, I have to go to work." He sighed as we laid on the bed after waking up from our afternoon nap. I didn't need one as I wasn't doing the lockdown, but I wanted a cuddle, so whilst Zak slept, I got my cuddles in before he left me for an evening of complete boredom.

"But I don't want you to go yet." I whined rolling over onto him.

"Don't do this." He moaned.

"Stay with me, we can paint each other's nails, do face packs, talk about boys." I joked.

"I definitely need to go to work." He laughed sitting up to give me a kiss.

I squeaked as he stood up with me on his waist and dropped me on the bed gently.

"Behave, don't break anything whilst I'm gone."

"I won't."

"Good." He picked up his jacket and bag when I pushed my bottom lip out giving him puppy dog eyes.

"Stop, I'll be back by the morning and I'm just down the road." He whispered kissing my head.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

"Stay safe."

"I will."

Eventually he left and I was left to my own devices. Flipping over the bed I sat in the edge looking at the rosary he had bought me.

It was so beautiful that I didn't ever want it to break, get damaged or even dust or dirt on!

Not having anything to do, I took a long bath and shaved my body before applying lotion when I got out leaving me silky smooth.

Finding out one of Zak's shirts and a pair of my panties I changed before grabbing the laptop and crashing down to edit these photos up for him.

The hours soon flew by as I tampered, and doctored the photos until I was satisfied with each one of them. Once done I sent them to Zak who would include them in the final email to the channel.

Whilst on the laptop I decided to click on Netflix which he always left logged in for me and went through the films to find something to watch but in the end. I settled for old episodes of Ghost Adventures on Zak's laptop.

Brushing my teeth quickly I slipped into bed and began watching The Washoe Club and Silver Queen Hotel episodes to find out who this sprit woman was, if she was the one protective over Zak.

I should probably thank her as well..

I trawled through episode after episode binge watching as many as I could before sleep could take me over.

But no matter how hard I tried to stay awake and how wide I blinked, my eyes were stinging and eye lids were heavy.

I was almost asleep when a bang made me jump, after it sounded three more times, I realised it was the laptop and turned it off before pushing it to the base of the bed on Zak's side.

I seemed to put one down and pick up another as I laid in the darkness of the room with my phone going through my social network accounts.

Social networking for me was rubbish, although I hardly ever used it, mainly because I knew very little people. I could hardly say I speak to people from
school, there is literally nobody from my precious schools on here. It's all previous clients who I've taken photos for or the odd friend whilst I dated Justin. However they were just mere acquaintances now Justin and I had finished.

But I felt the need to check in every so often to see what everyone else had been getting up to.  Sometimes I'd find something of interest, other times I would sign off and vow to delete it.

It never happened.

A notification cropped up alerting me to a new message, and a friend request putting the mouse over the message box I clicked on it and opened them up.

(New) David Collister - Hello.

I frowned and clicked on it.

- Hi do I know you?  I typed and sent it back.

- Maybe, I'm your uncle

The temperature around me felt like it dropped as I read the message over and over again.


Why was he contacting me now if he was my so called Uncle?!

- Sorry, think you have the wrong person.

I hit send before clicking off the app when another message came through.

- You're a spitting image of your mom.

I got creeped out and signed off the app and shut my phone on silent worried. The first thing I wanted to do was ring Zak and tell him about it but I couldn't. Which meant I would have to wait until tomorrow morning.

I just hoped that by tomorrow morning I had no other messages and this David Collister would just disappear. I hadn't needed any family for the the last 30 years. I certainly didn't need any now!

But who's to say he's even telling the truth? What if he's just a random freak?

That idea didn't settle well with me and I got up shoving a chair under the door handle before checking the window. I looked at the curtains counting down the hours until dawn when I knew Zak would be back and I'd be safe...

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