Mystery sender.

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"Is this okay?" Zak asked stepped out the wardrobe for the 6th time looking no different than the last 5.

"What are you changing?" I asked.

"My shirt." He answered brushing his front.

"Zak there's black, black, black, black and black. You look handsome, you've got your glasses on, your hair is done.. Where's your rosary?" I asked making his hand stop.

"That's what it is." He disappeared and came back with a black rosary around his neck.

"Are we done now?" I sighed.

"Yeah. Let's go see my tadpole."

I was halfway off the bed when I looked at him "Bean? And now Tadpole?"

"Yeah, I'm trying to work out the size. They will tell us right?"

"They will do measurements, take some pictures and check my vitals which shouldn't be too bad considering I was there less than 24 hours ago."

"You didn't sleep much last night, they are probably blown to pieces. Got water? My sister said she needed to drink loads before her scan."

"Yes I have.."

"Drink more then, I wanna see what's happening." He spoke placing his fingertips on my stomach.

"Every time you touch me, I want to throw you down and have my way.. Please refrain." I answered holding his hand back.

"Well that's unfair." He grunted before pulling out the keys for his Mercedes.

"The Merc today." I smiled walking over to it.



"Zak you're being stupid!" I hissed as he held his arm over my front at the crossing opposite the hospital. Parking was a bitch so we had to walk a short distance. Something he was fuming over and I'm sure one member of staff would hear about it.

He's that kind of guy.

"I'm 35 years old." I added.

"And I'll still put you across my knee, now drop it." He answered looking at the cars that shot by. I went to my tiptoes by his ear.

"Don't make promises..."

He gave me a smirk and turned his attention just as quick back to the cars as they slowed.

"Stay." He ordered walking out into the middle of the road before beckoning me to cross.

My face was red with embarrassment as he held out his arms waiting for me to walk to him. He earned the hearts of two old ladies pushing their frames slowly across the road.

"What a lovely young man." The purple jumper lady smiled.

Whilst the other in the blue jumper simply beamed at me and then my stomach "You're in the family way... My dear he's only just begun this show of admiration."

A part of me wanted to groan, but another part had me beaming at Zak as he smiled lovingly at me holding out his hand. I took it and walked to his side.

"Good morning ladies." Zak spoke making both of them reply with warm hellos and each slipping in a comment which made his ears turn red.

I giggled quietly beside him seeing the heated blush on his face.

"Are you blushing?" I whispered.

"Eyes on the road Miss Yates. Whilst you're carrying precious cargo, you need to look out for danger for our baby. I'll look after you." He replied.

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