Croc hightop

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The morning felt different, surreal I guess when I woke with a protective arm over my stomach and a head resting on my chest over my heart.

I smiled instantly and buried my fingers in Zak's thick hair. Someone needed a hair cut.

Groaning he held my waist a little tighter before relaxing. "Morning."
I whispered down to him.

"I missed this. Can we stay right here? Until we need food or the toilet?" He asked.

"Sounds good, but unfortunately, I need both now."

"Oh baby.. Can't you just give me a minute?" He asked before rolling off me and onto my pillow as I got up and went for the toilet.

Washing my hands I slipped down to the kitchen and got two bottles of water and the biscuit box Zak had refilled late last night.

These things were amazing and I wasn't throwing up half as much.

"What took so long?" He asked sitting up whilst I got back into bed with a biscuit hanging out my mouth.

"Hmm." I pointed before breaking some off to eat. "Hungry."

"Eat up then." He smiled kissing my head before taking his place beside me.

"How's Gracie?" I asked.

"She's okay. A little haywire but I think it's cause I've been off my game. She's taken advantage of the sleeping on the bed rule and chewing my shoes."

I giggled "That's my girl."

"Yeah well.. Let's say I was less than impressed with a croc hightop."

I laughed this time making Zak look up "It's so good to hear that again."

I gave him a nose scrunch before eating the rest of my biscuit.


"You dig a hole, then squeeze the tray to pop it out and carefully, carefully plant the flower inside." I instructed as I planted a flower in the back garden.

"So dig a trench, pull out of the tray
And smash it in the hole." Zak spoke to himself.


"I'm kidding. Women and flowers." He teased taking it out the tray carefully.

"Now place it in side and cover it over, don't put pressure on it incase you damage the roots." I warned helping him out.

"Now smash it in?" He asked making me giggle.


"Beautiful." He threw back.

"Cheesy." I commented as he kissed my nose.

"What's next?" He asked pulling the garden gloves off.

"I don't kn-"

"Hey flower man? I need a hand, wanna put yourself into cardio?" Joe asked carrying fence posts.

"Sure thing. Where to?"

"Up top. Use the quad if you can't do it." He grinned.

Zak nodded and ran over to the truck getting the posts out and into the trailer attached to the quad.

"How you doing?" Joe asked with a smile.

"I'm good. Thanks for.. well you know." I smiled looking over at Zak as he moved the posts.

"I'll have him working hard, sitting behind a camera. Tsk, he's gonna be a real man."

"Just go easy on him, all this is a lot to get used to. I'm still apprehensive that he will throw in the towel."

Joe looked at Zak before looking back at me "Then he'd be a fucking idiot..."

"Come on Zak! You asking for their numbers or picking them up?!" Joe shouted making him laugh.

"Call it men bonding. He's worried a lot about you, maybe you are apprehensive but I've never seen a man get so angry over burnt biscuits, hell he made two batches before they began to look and taste good. I should know, I was the Guinea pig."

"He's trying. I just hope he stays." I whispered before plastering a smile on my face as Zak pulled up on the quad.

"Ready then?" Joe asked.

"Sure am. I'll catch you in a bit." Zak smiled giving me a wink before taking off with Joe trailing behind.

I finished up the flowers before changing the washing on the washing line. I loved seeing the sheets blowing in the wind, and with the weather being so nice, I had a fresh bed every night.

Once that was done I began making fresh lemonade in the kitchen. It was so nice to have the doors and windows open and not worry about anything. I could imagine my mom doing this for my dad when he came home from working with Mike.

As lunch time approached, I picked up from hamper and pushed it into the passenger seat before going over to the drivers side. My first attempt of opening the door failed as sickness washed over me causing me to rush to the bathroom.

The second time I felt dizzy and stood looking at the top of the field wondering if I should just call them back for lunch instead but my stubbornness won. Getting into Joes truck, I headed up towards them slowly....

If I wasn't light headed or feeling dizzy then I was now as I sat in Joe's truck watching Zak and Joe working.

Both muscular with broad shoulders but Zak had a large tattoo on his back and was much paler than Joe who had tanned skin. Zak's back muscles gave me the chills as well as taking advantage of the fact he had to bend often to pick anything up. So I had prime position behind them.

They had a good routine going, with Joe fixing the fence, Zak was chopping up the old posts. And let me tell you, seeing him swing an axe down on some wood had me feeling a little flushed!

Just the way all his muscles tightened.... Holy momma!

"Hey." I spoke slipping out slowly of the truck

"Hey. You okay?!" Zak shouted over Joes hammering.

I nodded pushing the sickness way, placing the hamper down I smiled "Brought us lunch.. Picnic."

I paused watching the grass move of its own accord.

"Robyn?" Zak spoke standing up with a frown.

"I'm okay, it's just... I- Zak." I reached for him as my legs felt weak and everything went black around me.

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