A girl's night out

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This fanfic is written in the POV of Emily usually. Do not judge me on the first chapter as it was written a very long time ago as a dare and I found it and decided to finish the story. The chapters are short as fuck but please note I was a crap writer at the time so please don't judge me

Hope you enjoy The Boys Next Door!

-Molly xx


I woke up to the sound of my alarm deafening me. 07:00 AM time to get up and get out. I dragged my body out of bed and read the notifications on my phone. I had been added to a girl's night out group chat. I sighed wondering whether it would be worth it to go out and have what my friends call "fun" or just stay at home and binge watch my tv show. The voices of my friends echoed in my head about being anti-social and how I should get out more so I replied:

Hey, guys! sound great can't wait to go let's meet at Rachel's at around 8 pm

xxx    -Emily

Hey Emily! haven't seen you in FOREVER let's get crazy tonight ;)


Guys, we should totally go to that new club downtown with the starlight garden it looks amazing!!!!! 


I hauled myself into the shower and came out feeling fresh and renewed. I rummaged through all the cardboard boxes labelled: Clothes. Shoot! I don't have anything to wear for tonight! I thought to myself. I found some black leggings, a coral pink jumper and my converses. I shoved my phone, keys and purse into my satchel and headed to the mall. I saw the girls sitting in the coffee shop there and asked them about tonight. "I actually can't wait for tonight I need to get out of my apartment," said Emma. "I'm so glad you're coming, Emily; we want to see you happy in your new home and it will give you a chance to explore the city," she said with an annoyingly-supportive pitch. Rachel nodded in agreement. They were referring to my relationship with my ex-boyfriend Luke. Luke cheated on me with this ditsy girl called Robin who has rocks for a brain so I moved away from North Carolina to Philly to get away from having to see them every time I went grocery shopping. I smiled and went to order my coffee.

At about midday,  I had pillaged nearly all the shops there and couldn't find anything. I finally got to Forever 21 and frantically searched the racks for anything to wear. I found a Navy Lace dress with no sleeves and some patent ash heels. PERFECT! I said to myself. After a long day, I thought of going home and snuggling up in bed with my laptop but was flung back into reality with the sound the cash register scanning my items and realised I was going out tonight and Netflix would have to wait.

I drove my little white Fiat 500 round to Rachel's apartment and was greeted by an energetic hug from the girls. We all got ready together. I was in my dress with heels. I had a sky blue eyeshadow with a nude lipstick on. Rachel wore a black strapless dress which showed off her athletic legs and Emma wore and red bodycon skater dress with some red stilettos. They looked at me and seemed so happy with me and my new self. We hopped into a taxi and made our way to the StarLightBar.


Like I said, the shortest chapter on Earth I know but please continue my chapters get to a decent size eventually. These are all very old and unedited.

-Molly xx

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