A new problem (mature)

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"get the condom"

"ugghhh, shit the bathroom one sec" I would tell you how fast I ran but that wouldn't be fast enough. I fumbled through the medicine cabinet. Why do I have so much crap? I opened the drawers there was just a load of floss, creams and all of Emily's moisturisers and etc. Lord knows why she needed so much crap but if it kept her that beautiful I don't mind. But seriously, where were they?

I opened the other to find them. Were these mine? If they were I didn't choose them. They were XXL. Not being modest here but I wouldn't buy these unless I was an asshole. Fuck, I knew I heard some giggling from Tyler when he was clearing out the bathroom. The bastard switched them. Never mind they'll have to do. I ran back downstairs to see her waiting on the couch.

*the next morning*

I woke up next to Emily. The sun looked like it had been up for a while yet the lounge was still vacant. Thank God. If the others had walked in on us under this blanket I for one would be totally embarrassed. I shifted under Emily from where her elbow had been daggering my side, upstairs into our bed and then went to the bathroom to pee. 

*Emily's POV*

I woke up in bed with Dylan in the bathroom. Last night was perfect. I can cross sex in front of a fire off my bucket list. Dylan came out the bathroom still naked. I was admiring his perfect physique before realising his face was as if he'd seen a ghost. He was also twiddling his fingers which is only something he does when he's nervous. What was up?

"Dyl what's wrong?"

"The condom"







"It broke"


and that my friends, is where we leave our story. Thank you for being part of this journey on my first fan fiction. I feel a bit emotional... I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did. Make sure to look out for my next book which will appear soon!

Until then,

-Molly xx

P.s I'm not crying! You're crying.

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