King and Queen

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Another short chapter I know but things are in the works right now and I cannot leave you with nothing to read.

-Molly xx


*Thomas' POV*

 I woke up. Emily was still asleep so I crept out the room quietly. I went to the kitchen and made some tea. Today would be the day I ask her to her first premiere. I was nervous she'd say no. Most people haven't been in front of so many cameras and people. She should be there. She's my girlfriend and the press already knows that something's going on between us. We can finally be a couple and everyone will see it. I hope she likes the dress, it was a beautiful white gown for a beautiful girl.

*Emily's POV*

 I woke up. Thomas had gone. I went downstairs to find him with a cup of tea in the kitchen.  "hello my king, Sleep Well?" I kissed him on the cheek and started making breakfast. He was focusing on something. "what is it?" I asked. He wasn't paying attention he was too busy talking to himself. "Emily, I've been meaning to ask you something..."

*Thomas' POV*

 It was now or never. It would be better to ask her alone instead of in front of the group. "I wanted to ask you if... you would like to come to the Scorch Trials premiere with me. As my girlfriend." I asked. My head kept telling me she wouldn't wouldn't want to go. "Thomas, I don't do well in front of cameras"

 "There will be lots of press there and we can do the red carpet together but I'll with you the whole time" I had to convince myself she would be safe from the press. I liked the private relationship we have, I wouldn't want paparazzi following her everywhere. "well now you have to see the dress my manager bought you. We will be matching of course." I said as I went to get the box.

*Emily's POV*

 Thomas brought back the boxes from yesterday. "I knew there was something important in there" I saw Thomas smile. He handed me the larger of the two. In it was a long ivory gown with a silver jewelled belt. "It's lovely, thank-you my king," I said. "what's in that box?" there was a little box on Thomas' lap. He handed it over and I lifted the lid. I felt like a kid on Christmas morning. Inside the box was a beautiful necklace and earrings that matched the dress. The pearls encrusted in them were the same colour as the dress. "They're gorgeous! Your stylist has good taste." I exclaimed.

*Thomas' POV*

I decided to keep the ring till the night of the premiere as a little surprise. 

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