The premiere preparation

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*Emily's POV*

It was the night of the premiere and I was nervous, like sick to the stomach nervous. We were in New York city in the hotel of the premiere. It was 8:00 pm and the red carpet was in 2 hours. I was escorted by Thomas' manager into a small dressing room where 3 eager artists were waiting to paint their canvas. My makeup artist was working intensively on my eyes and the hair stylist worked his magic.

"Emily? Is it? you must be Thomas' girlfriend" said my stylist in the corner. She was opening the box with the dress in it. "Yes, that's me," I replied. It felt weird saying it to a stranger out loud. "He made a good choice, very pretty features", she muttered to herself. About 45 minutes later my hair and makeup were done and I had caramel golden eyeshadow with an auburn shimmer, my lips were a nude pink lip and some contour on my cheeks. My hair was up in a braided bun with a rose headpiece.

Next, it was the dress. The stylist helped me get into the dress and hook up the back. She adjusted the length and waist a bit because I am quite petite. She placed the jewelled belt around my waist and clipped it. I felt like a princess. She then extended the elegant train behind me and lead me to the carpet waiting room. Waiting in the room was Thomas and the others. They all looked amazing. Dylan looked funny in a suit compared to how I normally see him in t-shirts and jeans. Kaya was wearing a dress similar to mine, except it was a deep navy. I could see she was wearing her engagement ring along with Will. Thomas stood there, eyes pinned on me. Speechless. He was wearing a classic tuxedo with his hair done. He looked sharp. "wow...just look ...beautiful."

I went over to him and kissed him on the cheek. "There's one thing missing, though..." he reached into his pocket to reveal a ring. "'s so...." I couldn't speak. Images of my dad blurred through my head. I suddenly felt really dizzy and my stomach clenched, the ring. I don't want it.

"Emily, are you ok?"

"Thomas I can't accept that"

"No please wear it, it will make you even more beautiful"

"Thomas I don't want it" 

"Emily, don't be silly I bought this for-"

"THOMAS BACK OFF" I went back into the dressing and closed the door. I couldn't do this. Who did I think I was? I didn't belong here and I don't know why I thought I did. This was too much. I can always count on my dad to ruin everything, I hate him. Tears wondered down my cheeks as I sat down in front of the mirror.

The door opened and I turned away I couldn't stand to see Thomas right now. I would have to explain myself and I could never tell anyone but it wasn't Thomas in the doorway. It was Dylan.

"Hey, um are you ok?"

"Does it look like I'm ok?" Dylan looked a bit startled by my comment but he came over and stood behind the chair with his hands on my shoulders.

"I'm sorry, that was rude of me. I'm just upset"

"No, it's fine it was a stupid question anyway."

"you know you're actually really sweet when you aren't staring"

"Who would have thought huh? Now you need to stop crying before you ruin that makeup." I laughed a bit. He was so kind he didn't try to ask me questions he was just trying to help. He was really sweet.

"If I go back out there I'll have to explain myself and just can't. I can't do that"

"No one says you have to. It's fine we all have a right to our business. If anyone asks just point them out and I'll beat the shit out of them." I laughed again. I noticed his physique this time. He was just a tad smaller than Thomas his shoulders were broader. More masculine. His face showed he really did mean it. He was actually really caring, I think we're going to get on well. I grabbed a tissue out my clutch and dabbed my tear-stained cheeks and got up.

"Come on. It's only a red carpet, you survived me jumping on you. Sorry about that by the way, but you've survived that. This is tiny in comparison." I laughed as he opened the door for me. The others had to go so Dylan and I headed onto the carpet together, me gripping his arm the whole time.


Hey, guys!

What's going on with Molly's dad? All will be revealed. *EVIL LAUGH* Sidenote: how sweet is Dylan?

Make sure to vote, I really appreciate it.

-Molly xx

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