The big announcement

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Thomas looked over at Kaya and then back at me. "why on earth would you think I would know what to do?" he asked. "Not sure, just seemed like the guy who would be good at these things" I was trying to be hopeful. "Well one thing is for sure when we have our own ki-" He stopped himself. I could see him blushing. "Point is, that when we tell Will he'll either be super chill about it or super not chill and die of a heart attack right there" he chuckled. We both were unsure of what could happen. "You need to go back to the others, don't tell them Kaya is here just say I'm not feeling well or something," I said. "Ok but as soon as she wakes up call me, Will needs to know before the premiere on Friday," he said. He ran back to his house and I comforted Kaya.

About an 2 hours later, Kaya woke her. She looked a lot better than before. "we need to tell Will as soon as possible. Especially since the premiere is in 2 days time" I said. Kaya agreed, had some water and followed me to Thomas'. When we got there, Kaya went into the kitchen and went to get water. I made a beeline for Thomas. "It's now or never" I whispered. I went to join Kaya in the kitchen. Thomas grabbed Will and brought him in.

"Hey Kaya, Where did you go? I was worried about you!" he hugged her tight and stepped back. "so what's this little meeting for then?" he seemed so innocent, I hope he takes this well. "Will babe, I need to tell you something. Promise me you won't freak out. the thing is... THAT I'M PREGNANT" she smiled. "What omg that's...that's amazing." He grabbed her and swung her around and kissed her. "careful there's a baby in there" I chuckled. They both looked so happy. 

Thomas thought it was best if everyone went home. After all, tonight was exciting, to say the least. I stayed over at Thomas'. We got into bed and 20 minutes later Thomas was fast asleep snoring lightly. I was reading my book when I heard him mumble, I couldn't work out what he said. He was dreaming about something. He mumbled again this time saying, "I promise I'll be the best dad, I promise,". OMG did he just say that in his sleep?. I had to tell someone but realised I had no one to tell. Rachel was engaged, Kaya was pregnant, Ava was with family and I don't even want to think about Emma after today. 

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