The flight back home

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The next morning everyone was tired and we all were sleeping on the flight back to Philly. I was awoken by a rustling sound. It was Kaya. I got out of Thomas' arms and went to help her. She shuffled into the aeroplane toilet. She vomited twice. At this point, I went to get Will who was still asleep. "Will, Wake up! Kaya needs you" I shook him. He got up and went to help Kaya. It was my birthday. I neglected to tell anyone this as everyone was exhausted and I didn't think they were in the mood for celebrations

I returned to Thomas who was now awake. "Hey beautiful, I'm sorry about last night. I pushed you, I was wrong. Could you find it in your heart to forgive me?" 

 "ooh look at me I'm Thomas Brodie-Sangster, I have a really hot, sweet kind funny girlfriend," muttered Dylan a little too loud. Dylan blushed after he said it and turned over to look out the window trying to conceal how red his face was. Kaya and Will had returned to their seats. Kaya looked tired and fell asleep on Will's lap.

We were all still in our gowns and suits; luckily, Thomas and I had spare clothes packed in a duffle bag in the back. Thomas started to unbutton his shirt and took it off. "Thomas man, you're jacked! Do you have a shoot coming up?" said Will. "Yeah I have a shoot for FLAUNT magazine in 3 weeks" he added as he headed to the bathroom to shower. Thomas took my stuff out of the bag. A red lace bra fell out in front of Dylan's feet. He blushed before picking it up and handing it to Thomas. I blushed. Thomas looked at it, then at me and smirked. He gave me my clothes and I went to go change behind the curtain.

 "Thomas I need you!" I said from behind the curtain. "He's still in the shower" replied Dylan. "Dylan, can you come here and help then?" He walked through the curtains not wearing a shirt. 

"Wh- what do you need help with?" 

 "My dress, I can't undo the back, Can you undo it for me? I asked pulling my, now loose, hair round my shoulder. 

"Um...sure" he started to undo the hooks when a hook snagged on his pants. 


"Yeah?" I said looking at the wall.

 "The dress, my pants... they're stuck together. The's snagged on the seam of my pants." 

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