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It was 19:00 when we left the studios that day. It had been really hot so we were sweaty and tired. Dylan dropped me off and went home to shower for tonight. I had half an hour to get ready. I showered, got changed and started to put on some makeup. When I was just about finished and putting on lipstick, I felt a searing pain in my lower abdomen. I went to the bathroom, yep mother nature has punished me for not having a baby. After a quick change of outfits from white jeans (risky) to black jeans, I went to take some aspirin.

Dylan walked in. He was wearing a t-shirt and some pants. He smiled at me. "You look beautiful tonight" he kissed my forehead. "I thought you said you didn't want to walk in on me naked"

"All I could think of is you naked, maybe tonight we could leave the arcade early..."

"Yeah about that. Those plans might have to be rescheduled."

"Why?" He made a pouting face with his soft lips and held me closer. How could I say no? I have to but he was so god damn cute. "No baby, no fun"

"What? Wait, you mean...AAAAAWWWWW god dammit mother nature! The fact I can't have you makes me want you more" He twirled me around. This guy... I don't know if it was my period but he was so hot right now. "I promise I'll take care of you, we don't have to go to work tomorrow I can call in sick so we don't have to film. We can have a chill out day, Netflix and chill"

"There will be no Netflix and chilling till next week" he moaned and slumped down on the couch. He looked like an angry toddler, this only made him cuter. Soon enough Kaya and Will arrived. After an exchange of hugs, we headed towards the arcade. When we got there all I could think of was when I first fell in love with Dylan. I walked over to the ice rink and watched people skate by. Dylan came up behind me and started to kiss my neck. I turned around and kissed him. He pressed my body against the wall. "Hello? Earth to Dylan and Emily" shouted Will. We walked over to the colourful arcade. There was a ski-ball machine. Kaya and I went over to compete whilst Dylan and Will went to get slushies.

*Dylan's POV*

She looked beautiful tonight. Her toffee hair and her wild hazel eyes. She was gorgeous. I watched her laugh with Kaya. In this packed out arcade filled with noise all I could hear was that laugh. Her sweet laugh like honey. She tucked her hair behind her ear and looked over at me. I loved when she did that. I smirked back at her. I turned to Will. "So you and Emily...when did that happen?"

"I know it's wrong but that first night I met her, you know when Thomas brought her to his place. She wasn't mine to love but I did anyway."

"I'm happy for you bro, seriously I think she makes you very happy."

"She makes me happy in ways I couldn't imagine. I really like her dude. It kinda freaks me out"

"When are you planning on asking her?"

"asking her what?"

"To be her boyfriend, you bloody idiot. Sometimes I think you're on a completely different planet when you're around her"

"I don't know, I think I'll give it some time. After all, she did just break up with Thomas. I want to respect Thomas before rushing into things"

"Ok buddy, but you will have to be quick before another man sweeps her off her feet and beats you to it"

 "I know. She has every guy in this place watching her. I swear a few years ago, little 16-year-old me would never dream of having a girl like her even near me."

"Well, I'm sure 16-year-old you would be proud of how far you've come." Will handed me a slushy. I watched my girl play ski-ball before she came over and kissed me. I loved calling her that. My girl, I wasn't objectifying her or anything; I just liked the fact that she was mine and that she wanted me of all guys.

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