Stuck in the middle

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Dylan and I were having such a great time, I totally forgot about Thomas. What was wrong with me? I loved Thomas but Dylan was there and I couldn't help feel that I was starting to love him too. "Want to try a hand-to-hand lift?", Dylan laughed. I stopped and looked at him. 

"I don't think you're strong enough to lift me", I smiled. 

"Come here" he pulled me over put his hands on my waist and hoisted me up. He was stronger than I thought. He was taller than Thomas so I supposed that helped.

"Are you sure about this? I swear Kaya told me you only played hockey, how on earth would you know to do a hand-to-hand lift?" I laughed as he put me down. 

" What she didn't tell you and what I haven't told anyone. but I'm about to tell you because I think we are close friends and I'm extremely stupid but basically, my mom made me do figure skating up to the age of 13, so I guess I'm kind of a pro too" He blushed.

 "prove it. What's your favourite routine?"  

"What's yours?"

 "I'm not telling"

 "Fine then we can say it on three"

 "1, 2, 3 SYMPHONY NUMBER 5, " we said together. 

"That's crazy! No way do you know that routine." I gasped.

 "I loved it, my partner and I performed it at nationals" he replied. I could see the excitement in his eyes. I loved that.

"Guys I'm going to go get some ice for my head. GUYS!" Thomas shouted. I looked over.

 "Ok Thomas!"I shouted back. I reached out a got my phone from my jacket pocket. I put symphony no.5 on and stuffed my phone down my bra. "Sexy", Dylan laughed. "Shut up", I laughed. I took my jacket off and he took his hoodie off and we placed them on the stands. We started to glide about. Twirling and spinning and lunging and flying. He pulled me close, our noses almost touching as we pirouetted into a twist lift. He caught me and set me down. I saw flashes from cameras. Some fans had followed us in here. "Dylan, the fans", I said as we glided along. "Let's give 'em a show," he smirked. We danced and danced until the very end of the song. I was panting and so was he. We gracefully twirled and then stopped. He was down on one knee holding my hand. I looked into Dylan's eyes and laughed."Well, th-" he was cut off by an applause from our audience. Then the suddenly the paparazzi arrived. I got down on the ground. Dylan covered me. 

Thomas came back with some ice and saw the paps. He sent the photographers away, trying to protect me. Dylan and I stood up when they had left and headed to the exit. We were bombarded with fans of Dylan and Thomas. I went to go unlace my boots whilst the boys were busy. I looked over at Thomas and Dylan taking pictures with some fans. I stared at Dylan and he smiled. I then glanced over a Thomas as he smirked at me. I couldn't actually believe it. I was stuck in the middle of a real-life love triangle.

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