O is for Octopus, P is for ...

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" I have to go check my house, I left my door unlocked I think," I said and ran out before anyone mentioned anything. I got to my porch and unlocked my door Kaya followed me in. She ran to my bathroom and crouched in front of the toilet. She proceeded to vomit. I ran over and held her hair back. "what's the matter did you eat something bad?" I said I was rubbing her back. Before she answered she vomited again. I ran into the kitchen and got a glass of water. I gave it her and as she sat on the bathroom floor.

"I think...I think I'm pregnant." the emotion dropped from my face.

 "What?! How could you...with who?" I asked. 

"You know the night when we played strip truth or dare...Will and me..." she started. 

"Nope. Stop right there I do NOT want to know. Besides, there's only one way to find out." I ran to the upstairs bathroom and got a pregnancy test out. I ran back downstairs and handed it to her. A few minutes later Kaya came out the bathroom with the news. "Oh my god... I'm pregnant" she came and sat down next to me. 

"Congratu- wait a minute. How are you going to tell Will?" She looked like she seen a ghost. 

"I don't know. You're going to need to be there I can't do it alone."

 "Of course, I'll do anything,"

 "Oh no I can't get married pregnant, or film, or go out anywhere, how am I going to go to the premiere, or do interviews..." she was getting really hysterical now. 

"Ok breathe... we're going to get through this, let us worry about the now ok? First, we need to tell Will and let things play out"

I laid her down on the couch, placed a blanket on her and brought my coffee table next to her. I left her with some water and a bucket. I called Thomas. "Hey, where are you? You've been gone a while is everything ok?" he sounded concerned. "come over now" I hung up and paced in the kitchen. We were going to have to tell Will somehow. I thought Thomas would know what to do. He burst through the door covered in rain. His hair had blown all over his face. He looked sexy. (Not the time! I thought.) "Whats wrong? "he said. He was breathless; he must have run over here.

"shh Kaya is sleeping," I whispered. 

"Kaya? Will is looking for her why didn't she come in?" he looked confused. This was going to be interesting to explain. 

"We have something to tell you, well actually something to tell Will but I wasn't sure how so I wanted to ask you. Kaya...is...Kaya is pregnant" Thomas looked shocked. I could tell he was panicking too. "what? When did this happen? Wait. Who's the father?" he looked worried. "We only just found out and the father is... Will". Thomas smiled and laughed. " That cheeky bastard... I knew something was going on between them". He seemed calmer now. "I thought that too but the problem is. Well, what I needed to ask you about is how we're going to tell him."

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