A birthday adventure

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After lunch, Dylan and Ki Hong had an interview in Newark so had to leave. "Hey, Emma. Do you want to come with us to hang out after the interview?" he mumbled. "Sure, I loved to", said Emma sweetly. Thomas and Emma exchanged glances and smirks. They all left in Dylan's jeep Roscoe. Kaya got up and hugged me. "We should get going, bye babe". She winked at Thomas. What was that all about? Thomas walked them out and waved from the porch. He came back inside. "Why did Kaya wink at you?" I asked. "No reason but I do have to pick up some groceries later for dinner. Would you like to come with?" he said. Something was going on but I said yes anyway.  2 hours later Thomas and I got in the car to "get groceries".

We had been driving for 5 minutes when Thomas made a turn, in the opposite direction to the grocery store. I looked at him, he was grinning from ear to ear. Now I definitely knew something was going on. We drove into a forest for another five minutes. Before I could ask, we came to a stop in a small clearing near some stables. Thomas hopped out the car and went around to open my door. "My queen, your birthday celebrations await", he said. Emma had told the group. He then ran off around a wooden building and came back with two horses.

"what has Emma told you?" I was beaming. "Only enough to know that it's your birthday and that you were on the equestrian team in Secondary school and was a champion slalom skier but since it doesn't snow for another few months I thought this would make up for it". He brought me a lovely Chesnut Lipizzan. I stroked through its mane. "She's beautiful", I said as I mounted the saddle. Thomas was mounted on a Black Clydesdale with his camera. "just like her rider, come on we have to go", he said started to canter away but I quickly caught up with him. We started picking up speed and soon we were galloping through the woods.

With the wind in my hair, I felt free. I glanced over at Thomas he was enjoying himself and taking pictures of me. He looked back at me and tried to race. We were fast and getting faster. The sun was starting to set as we came to another clearing. "I think I won," I said, breathless. "Of course", he left his camera hanging around his neck and jumped off and came to get me. He grabbed hold of my waist and hoisted me down.  I turned around and saw a huge wooden cabin. Thomas lead me inside.


Another short chapter don't kill me but some really long ones I have been writing are coming soon, I promise.

-Molly xx

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