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*Emily's POV*

I was awoken by a peculiar sound. I croaked out an inaudible noise because My throat was sore. I was wet and stiff. I couldn't move. I ached all over but I had to get up. I heaved myself out of the blanket of snow that had shielded me. I remember a documentary I watched with my dad before he walked out on us. A man did the same thing to his leg and there's a pin to pull in the hinge to release the trap. The pin. I fumbled around in the red slush and found it. I yanked it out. The trap released my foot causing me to yelp. My wound was deeper than I thought. I dragged my leg across the snow, trailing a red river behind me. A nearby pine tree provided solitude. Its foliage shielded me from most of the snow and it was dry underneath. The wind had stopped but the snow was heavy. I heard the sound again. It was rustling from some bushes.

"Dylan?" I whispered. I couldn't get up, my leg ached too much. I heard a growl. It sounded like a dog. Maybe someone had found me a dog walker perhaps? No, why would a dog walker be out here? I inched forward out from the safety of my tree. I saw a glimpse of fur. This didn't feel right, I retreated back under the tree. My heart was pounding so hard in my chest I'm surprised that whatever was few paces away couldn't hear it. I had nothing to protect myself. I had to try and climb the tree. I heard the growling this time closer. I stood up and my leg seared with pain. I had to try. Slowly I heaved myself up. branch by branch. My tree provided a safe place: A large branch was flat enough for me to rest on.I was only a 3 meters off the ground but I lacked the energy needed to go further. I saw the owner of the growls. A coyote. I knew they had them Pennsylvania but never did I think they would come after someone.

The leg pain continued. I now had a chance to look at it. There was a gash about 4 cm deep in my skin. Blood oozing from every crevice. It had dripped down my legs and onto the ground below. The coyote waited for me. I had nowhere to go. I stared at my leg once more. The blood had clotted and dried over the corners of the gash. I was going to die here. The blood loss and the hypothermia were eating away at my life. Even if they didn't kill me, the coyote would. I closed my eyes not wanting to be part of the cruel reality I was in. 

*Dylan's POV*

We had been searching for hours. My eyes were puffy and red. I didn't feel them, I didn't feel anything. The snow had stopped and the visibility was good. There was a ditch. On the other side were some more trees. We crossed over. That's when I saw it. The patch of blood in the snow. Thomas ran over. There was a sprung bear trap. I prayed this blood belonged to some poor animal and not Emily. No. I couldn't even think about it if it was. There was a trail of blood that we followed to some bramble bushes. 

Something rustled in them, probably a bird. We continued. The blood was spread everywhere. The snow had covered most of it but it was still visible against the white. It leads under a tree. I crouched under the branches to the centre clearing. Thomas investigated the bushes. There was blood on the pine needles scattered at the base of the trunk. The trail had ended. It was most likely a fox's prey or something. Whatever it was, it had met its end here. A drop of scarlet blood dripped onto my cheek. I looked up to see a horror that will haunt me forever.

There in the branches was the pale body of my girlfriend. She looked peaceful and lifeless, I scrambled up the branches. Emily's hair cascaded down her shoulders onto the jumper I gave her. It was soaked. Her legs were marble-like and her was indescribable. My eyes would be crying if they had any tears left. I sobbed into her chest. My Emily... My sweet precious girl. I cried out in anger and frustration. My muffled sobs were cut off by a hand stroking my hair. I looked up with teary eyes. She was alive. I smashed my lips into hers, they were ice cold. I shouted for Thomas who promptly ran over. His face contorted with fear and rejoice.

I carried her down. Her body was limp with cold. She looked angelic even covered in her own blood. Her head was cradled in my shoulder has her tears and blood stained my clothes. We had to get her back to the house. I carried her as we hurried back. We reached the clearing of the house only to be confronted by 2 coyotes. Their faces were snarled and their lips revealed their daggered teeth. I lowered down and held her behind me. We were so close to home. So close to safety, I was not letting her get hurt. Not again.

Thomas looked at me unsure of what to do. I trusted him. I handed Emily over to him. "Go get her inside, I'll distract them" he simply nodded. Emily looked into my eyes with sadness. I kissed her on the forehead to reassure her. I'm not a hero, but if it meant she was safe I'd risk my life. I was sacrificing myself for her. I guess that what you do for someone you love and I love Molly and right now she needed to get inside. That was my priority. I cried at the thought I might not see her again. I was strong enough to beat up a drunk frat boy but maybe not two hungry coyotes.

I stepped aside from them and kept walking to the left the coyote's eyes followed me. I picked up my torch and flicked it on and shone it in their eyes. They growled at this and I ran along the driveway away from the house. I saw Thomas and Emily walk into the house with Kaya. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. I could hear their panting as the two of them started to catch up with me. My legs were growing tired, I looked ahead and saw Emma in my jeep coming towards us. The coyote bit at my calf, I screamed out but kept going. Emma's face changed after she saw what was chasing me. She gestured at me to move out the way. I leapt to the side into a ditch. The Coyotes got a face full of the jeep. I clambered and we headed back to the house. I looked out the window and saw the whimpering coyotes trot back into the trees. Strong bastards.

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