An awkward situation

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He made a nervous laugh. "what?" I said as I tried to turn around, pulling Dylan with me. He yelped. "The more you pull the tighter it gets! Stop moving otherwise this is going to become a lot more complicated," he wheezed. I laughed. "we're beginning our descent please sit down and fasten your seatbelts.", crackled a voice over the speakers. "Fucking great" Dylan muttered. "I need to turn around in the dress to see what's going on, pass me my bra," Dylan followed this and learnt to grab my bra. It had slid under the snack cart. "I can't reach it" he said with defeat. "could this get any worse? Guess, we'll have to do this minus a bra. I shuffled around in the dress and turned to face Dylan fully exposed. We both were half naked from waist up, things were not looking good. Dylan tried to look anywhere but my chest to be respectful but came to no avail.

"Can you not just take the pants off?" I asked. "Well if you hadn't done that pirouette back there then it wouldn't be cutting off circulation to my legs and other body parts, so no. I cannot turn around." he sounded sarcastic. Can't you just take off the dress?" I looked at him and rolled my eyes. I crouched down and took off his belt. "What are you doing?" he said nervously. "If you take off your belt then your pants won't be so tight and we could maybe get out of this mess." I said standing upright again. "stop doing that," I said blushing. "Doing what?" he didn't realise what was going on down in his pants. I looked down. He blushed very hard and looked me in the eyes. "I can't control that I'm afraid," he said still blushing. I rolled my eyes and laughed. This was too awkward for mankind. "I'll just turn around", I shuffled back around I was now facing the wall. He tapped my shoulder. I turned and said, "yes, what it is now?" "that's worse", he started laughing and I started laughing. There was a rush of turbulence shaking the plane. Dylan tried to stay upright, stood on the train of my gown and tripped causing us to fall. Dylan was on top of me and we couldn't get up. Our faces were an inch apart and we couldn't go anywhere. We both started laughing again. "Oh god, this could only happen to us."

At this point Thomas had got out the shower and saw Dylan and I were missing from our seats. "where are they?" he asked Ki Hong. "they're behind that curtain. They have been there a while now" Ki Hong said laughing. Thomas saw Dylan's shirt on his chair and my bra sticking out from under the snack cart. Thomas stormed down the aisle to the other end of the plane and pulled back the curtain. What he saw wasn't exactly great. His girlfriend (missing her bra) half-naked, his best friend on top of her missing his shirt and belt; both of them looking hot and flustered. You can only imagine what he thought was going on."What the fuck Dylan?!" he shouted. Waking the others up. 

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