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*Dylan's POV*

It was Halloween. Emily was asleep still, she must be worn out. I am. Last night had been the first time we had had sex in 3 weeks. I went and showered. I opened up the closet and lifted up a black box. I had picked out some outfits for Emily and I. I knew she would be too tired to go out. I always loved Star Wars, I could imagine myself as a badass Hans Solo any day. Not to mention Emily as Princess Leia would probably fulfil every fantasy my 13-year-old self could imagine. I had a plan to go to Kaya and Will's party but it was cancelled after the baby came. That meant Holland and Crystal will meet Emily.

Emily was up and looked cute as ever. She was wearing my flannel which made her look so cute. I don't know what it is about a girl in guy's shirt but damn she looked hot. I had to go film some scenes for Teen Wolf and Emily had some scenes to get started on so we wouldn't see each other until tonight. She came up to me and kissed my arm. I looked at her soft lips and leant in. I smashed my lips into hers and felt her hot breath in my mouth. I gripped her face with my hands and she ran her fingers through my hair. I loved it when she did this. My phone buzzed on the counter. It was T-Pose:

Hey, Dyl, get to set quick I want to prank Hoechlin!


He had to ruin this moment. I had to go. I left the house and drove to set. Today was going to be a long day.

*Emily's POV*

Dylan left the house without saying anything. That was weird but I had lots to do today so I needed to get ready. I met up with Christina on set. We had some scenes to film that day so she was rushing me everywhere. For lunch there was halloween themed food and some realy nice pumpkin spiced cookies. I ate 4 of them, they were so good. After Lunch we had to film the 3rd scene of the day and Christina was taking me to my dressing room. I opened the door, a person in a werewolf costume jumped out at me. I screamed. It was Pat. She howled,"HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!" My heart rate was so fast. I laughed and elbowed Christina who just as shocked as I did. I was going to get her back someday. The whole prank reminded me it was Halloween. We had the Teen Wolf Halloween Bash at Holland's tonight. Dylan had chosen the outfits which now that I think about was a really stupid idea. I just hope I have some sort of clothing to put on.

By the time I was driving home, I was tired and moody. I loved acting but god damn it was tiring. I don't know how Dylan does it. Juggling Teen Wolf, The Maze Runner, and Wonderwoman I don't know how he has time for me. Sometimes I could tell he was tired but he would never admit it to me. We're both busy all day and when we aren't filming we were at meetings or interviews. I miss him so much. We sleep together but sometimes I'll wake up and he'll be gone already. Tonight I needed to man up and go spend a night with my boyfriend. I didn't care what happened as long as we were together.

I got home to see a very excited Dylan. He had a black box on the counter. He came up to me and kissed my forehead. "Close your eyes" I did as I was told. He put the box in my hands. "Your outfit your majesty" He announced. "I'm not going to be Elsa am?" He laughed that adorabe laugh of his. I opened the box. Inside was a slave girl Leia costume. It was a metal bikini top with a thong-like skirt thing, the point is that it wasn't much. It definitely wouldn't cover much, I should have known it would be star wars themed. I took out my "Outfit" and looked at Dylan. He was smiling so brightly with those perfect teeth. How could I say no? I smiled back at him. Now I wish I hadn't eaten those extra cookies if I was going to pull this off. He burst into laughter. What was so funny? He reached behind him for another box wrapped with a bow. What was in that box? A sexy hairpiece too? 

"you must think I'm stupid to let you walk around in that. I love you and I don't want people staring all night. You're my girl. No matter how sexy you would have looked in that costume I don't want other guys staring." Thank God. I loved Dylan but that "outfit" would seriously be pushing some boundaries. I gratefully opened the other box to reveal a senatorial gown costume for Leia. At least now I wouldn't freeze to death. I never knew Dylan was so creative. He has a lot of hidden talents, especially ice skating.

 "I'm not sure I could pull off that kind of outfit anyway, I'm not as sexy as a Victoria Secret model" I looked down at my body. I wasn't fat but I wasn't a stick either. Dylan cupped my face in his hands. "No you're not as sexy as a model... you're sexier and I love you the way you are" He kissed my lips. All of my doubt suddenly went away somehow as if his kisses were magic. I was addicted to them. Dylan always made me feel better. We set out for the party. When we got there, I went to get out the car. Dylan ran around the car and opened it for me. "Your majesty" He linked my arm in his mine. How could someone be so perfect? I blushed as we walked into the overly decorated house. 

In the house, there was a live band. There were people dressed up dancing everywhere. I saw Tyler talking to two girls. One redhead dressed as little red riding hood and a brunette as Katniss Everdeen. They were both really pretty. Dylan waved at Tyler. The three of them walked over. "Hi guys, this is Emily, my girlfriend. Emily, this is Holland and this is Crystal."

"Hi nice to meet you" I shook her hand.

"I'm Crystal and can I just ask how much is he paying you to pretend to be his girlfriend?" I looked over at Dylan who rolled his eyes. "Unfortunately, I fell in love with this goofball. So I am actually his girlfriend" They both laughed at Dylan. He wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed my head. I turned and kissed his soft lips, sending a tingling sensation through my body. "You two are so cute together! I love your outfits too" Holland chimed in. 

"DANIEL??? Where are you? come meet my girlfriend" Dylan gestured to a tall guy dressed as a gladiator. "Hello there..."

"Emily, Emily Montgomery"

"Hi Emliy, you must be Dylan's girlfriend" Did no one believe I was his girlfriend? Seriously? The night continued with a common amount of disbelief about me being Dylan's girlfriend.

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