Ice queen

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That afternoon, Will and Ki Hong had an interview so they had to leave. We met up with Dylan. His hair was cut, making him look adorable. "Nice cut bro" I shouted as he walked up the driveway. "It's for teen wolf I need to look younger apparently." Our skating trio meant that Kaya would be by herself. "Kaya we don't have to go we can stay here", I offered.

 "No, I'm fine you guys go and have fun, really".

 "You can chill at mine you can watch Teen Wolf on Netflix on my TV," I said looking at Dylan and winked. 

"That sounds great can't wait to see little Dyl surrounded by Werewolves" she laughed and headed into my house.

I went in with her to get dressed. I put on a green skater dress with a black denim jacket. I put on some stockings and headed out the door. The boys were waiting in the jeep. We drove to the rink and started putting on our skates. "I have to warn you boys, I'm a bit of a pro", I smirked.

 "I played hockey at school so I'll no problem catching you", he flirted.

 "Well you two will have to hold me because I have no bloody idea what I'm doing," he laughed. We stepped out onto the ice rink. No one was there, it was empty.

I tried showing Thomas the ropes, he fell twice. "Are you sure you want to do this? We can go to the arcade if you want." I pulled him up and held him I grabbed his hand and pulled him along; he was getting the hang of it. I let go of him. "Wait! How do you stop, you bloody idiots" he shouted. He turned his head to see me and Dylan laughing. He didn't look where he was gong and hit the wall and fell. I skated over and bent down. "Thomas! Are you ok? Did you hurt your head?" I touched his forehead. He winced and said,"I'm fine really-" he was cut off by Dylan.

"Dude I think you should sit this one out, you might be concussed." he helped me take Thomas to the stands. "Are you sure you're alright?" I looked at his forehead. 

"I'll be fine you go skate my ice queen" he chuckled and kissed my cheek. I smiled weakly and went and joined Dylan who was waiting on the ice. "Come on then Mrs I'm a pro at skating. Show me what you got" he enticed. I skated and started to twirl. It was always my favourite move. I spun and spun until I stopped and looked at Dylan. He was smirking. "WOOHHOOO that's my girl!" shouted Thomas from the stands. I smiled at him and grabbed Dylan's arm and pulled him.

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