My girlfriend.

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*Still Dylan's POV*

It was getting late, I drove home to find Emily doing yoga. Her yoga pants made her butt look so damn cute. I came up behind her and kissed her neck. She gasped and turned around. I kissed her. "I've missed you," she said. I lifted her up and laid her down on the bed gently. I looked at her. She was beautiful, even when working out. "I know you wanted time after breaking up-"

"Yes," she snapped. I stopped. Yes? I hadn't even asked her the question.

*Emily's POV*

I had to say yes, this boy made me happy and I was ready to be with him. He looked confused and so adorable. I kissed his nose. "Thank God" He gasped and he kissed me again and things got a bit heated before his phone buzzed. He read the text and looked at me. "Well, as my girlfriend" I loved hearing him say that. "I must ask you to join me at a dinner tonight at a friend's." I rolled over and looked at him. "Yes". It seemed to be my favourite word.

*skip them getting ready and driving over there*

I held Dylan's hand. My wine red dress did look sexy on me. Emma always did have such great taste in clothes. Dylan knocked on the door. It was opened by a young man in his twenties. He looked me up and down and looked shocked. I felt a little bit uncomfortable. Dylan put his arm around me and hit the guy in the head. "Dude that's my girlfriend" MY GIRLFRIEND. It was like music to my ears. The guy shook his head and reached out to shake my hand. 

"Tyler, my name is Tyler" I shook his hand. He still looked shocked he looked at Dylan. "My name is Emily, nice to meet you". We walked into the house.

*skip the dinner*

Other guests were starting to leave. Dylan and I were sitting on the sofa. Tyler came back from showing guests out. "So Emily, are you coming to the Halloween party this weekend?" Halloween? OMG, it was Halloween. The year had gone so fast. "Halloween party?" No one had mentioned a Halloween party. Dylan looked at me, he asked me if I wanted to go. "Of course, I love Halloween! It's my second favourite holiday other than Christmas." Dylan kissed my forehead. Now we just had to figure out an outfit. A few drinks later Dylan and Tyler were dancing shirtless. I was sitting there on the sofa watching them. They were so cute. Dylan was dancing when he announced, "LET'S GET FOOOOOOD". We all left and headed to a nearby waffle house. The boys were dressed up and so was I. People were looking at us. We looked so out of place in this waffle house at midnight. Whilst the boys were ordering I went to the bathroom.

In the bathroom, I washed my hands when Emma came out one of the stalls. "Emma?"

"What are you doing here? Dressed like that?"

"I was at a party, we got hungry so came here. Wait, why are you here? Dressed like that"

"I'm with someone"

"What, like on a date?"

"You could call it that"

"Ok, I need details. What's his name?"

"That's the thing... I'm here with"

"Come on you can tell me, who is it? I won't judge"

"I'm here with Thomas." My grin dropped. That's why Thomas needed my help getting ready. He was getting ready for a date with...Emma. I swallowed my pride and asked, "How's it going then?"

"Aren't you mad?"

"No, Thomas and I are friends. Now. Tell me everything" I lied. It made me sad that Thomas had moved on. But then again, so had I. I listened to Emma.

*Thomas' POV*

Where was Emma? She had been gone ages. I sat there finishing my waffle when I heard a familiar voice. It was Dylan, he was here with Tyler. I waved at them and they came over with three waffles. "Hey Dyl, Hey Tyler" They sat in the opposite booth. "Hey, dude! What are you doing here?"Tyler said. Dylan was looking around for something or someone. "I'm on a date" Dylan had turned to face me. "A date? Who's the lucky lady may I ask?" he started to eat his waffle. "Emma" he stopped chewing.

"Emma as in Emily's friend Emma?"

"Yeah, that's the one. Who's the third waffle for?" Trying to change the subject. Dylan was about to answer when the answer herself walked out of the bathroom with Emma. Molly was here. With Dylan. She looked beautiful. They came over and sat down. Emily with Dylan, Emma with me. I kissed Emma on the cheek but saw Emily making out with Dylan. Well, this was awkward. Best friends on a double date with best friends. It was like a movie. Tyler saw this and stood up. "I think I better go, don't want to be 5th wheeling" he laughed and scurried out with his waffle.

*Dylan's POV*

Oh my god. This was unbelievably awkward. The girls ate their waffles whilst Thomas and I stared at each other in silence. He was my best friend. Emily was best friends with Emma. I had to strike up a conversation before this ended badly. "So...what are you doing for Halloween?" Thomas looked relieved someone had spoken. "Well the gang are having a party on Saturday so I guess we'll see you there" Shit. I totally forgot about that. Teen Wolf or Maze runner? That was the question. I wanted to prove to the Holland and Shelley I had a girlfriend but I didn't want to ignore Will and Kaya as they invited two weeks ago and I didn't want to be rude. 

I looked down at Emily. She was leaning against my shoulder sleeping, well more like my bicep because she was short. I loved that about her though. It made her more adorable. I kissed the top of her head. She must have been tired. I couldn't wait for this weekend. She would be off her period, and that meant...well I'm sure you knew what that meant. What? Don't judge me a guy has needs. I looked over at Emma. She was falling asleep on Thomas' shoulder.

I looked at Thomas. We both smiled and started laughing quietly. "I think it's time to go" I whispered. I nodded at the girls. Thomas smiled in agreement. We nudged the girls to wake them up and walked to the car. SHIT. THE CAR. Tyler had taken to get home. The bastard. I walked over to Thomas. "Hey can we catch a ride home with you, Tyler took the car"

"yeah sure get in". The girls were asleep in the back. I rode shotgun with Thomas driving. "How was the double date?" What should I tell him? The kissing and making out or the frat boy who got kicked in the balls? I decided to respond with, "Good." The rest of the journey was just as awkward. Thomas and I hopped out the car. The girls were still asleep in the back. I opened the door and picked her up bridal-style. I kicked the door closed as did Thomas. I carried her to the porch and unlocked her door. I nodded Thomas who was carrying Emma outside his house. He rolled his eyes and laughed. I laughed back. We walked in and I set Emily down on the bed. I pulled the covers over and moved the hair from her face. She looked beautiful even when asleep.

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