Needed saving

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Dylan stepped forward. "fuck it", he ran to me grabbed my face with two hands and kissed me. His lips collided with mine. I pulled away to breathe. The oxygen flooded my lungs. "Dylan what are you doing?", I whispered as if we were hiding. "I learnt that holding your breath can help with panic attacks. When I kissed you, you held your breath. I learnt that whilst filming TeenWolf," he smiled. My body was warm, the sinking had gone, because of Dylan. This idiot had saved me from drowning. "I didn't think I needed saving", I said. "The strongest people usually need the most saving," he whispered. He leant in for another kiss, I didn't pull away. What was wrong with me? I loved Thomas. But Dylan made me feel safe.

My safety was broken when Thomas burst through the front door. "Molly, Where are you?" he cried. "She's in here", shouted Will. He walked out of the bedroom and waited in the hallway. "please let me explain", he started. "Explain what Thomas?! That instead of shouting at your ex-girlfriend you kiss her instead? Explain that to me. I love you, Thomas. I thought you had a love for me but I was wrong. You never stopped loving Isabella. I was so stupid to think that someone like you could love someone like me," I cried.

"Emily, I do love you. SHE kissed ME. I promise. For Christ's sake just believe me." We stared at each other tears streaming down our faces."Well, you didn't push away, did you? You let her kiss you. You still love her Thomas," I gasped. I was sinking. FAST. I couldn't fight anymore, I had no energy left to give. "Emily you are my girlfriend. I loved Isabella. I wished that some small piece of the Isabella I knew was still there but she wasn't. That Isabella was gone. I would never kiss her because... you're the one I love." he was sitting on the end of the bed now.

"I need time to think, ok. please just go home, Thomas. I can't do this" I pushed him and Dylan out the door and shut them out. I shut the world out. Dylan, Thomas, everyone. All the noise.

I stared blankly at the wall. The sun was setting. I sat up. Dylan was sitting up against the wall half awake. Will had fallen asleep on the sofa. Thomas was gone. Dylan snapped awake, he stood up. "you're awake. I'll go find Thomas", he said. "No, please. Stay. I don't want to be alone." I grabbed his hand. "You look like shit," I chuckled. "I haven't slept." "Me neither. I have trouble sleeping with someone in the room" I said. "I can go if you want", he offered. "No, if we could just lie down for a minute if I could just close my eyes", I whispered.

We laid down on the bed. I put his arm around me and closed my eyes. Al the emotions had drained me. Before I knew it, I was asleep. We woke up to the rising sun coming through the curtains. We had spent the night together. I had almost forgotten about Thomas. I sat up and saw Dylan sleeping. It reminded me of Thomas' bed head. His fluffy hair that always looked crazy and his groggy morning voice in that cute little British accent. I smiled at the thought. I lost smile after I remembered what happened yesterday.

I went into the hallway and stood out on the porch. The fresh cool morning air filled up my lungs. It helped me think. I was joined by a sleepy Dylan. "She kissed him you know," he said. I looked over at him with my arms crossed. "I know Thomas. He wouldn't do something like that. Isabella...she's crazy and more importantly unpredictable. Who knows what she was thinking. Thomas is really sorry. Will texted me saying he hasn't left his room since yesterday night. I think you should go talk to him." "It sounds like Isabella did kiss him, it's just that he didn't push her away or fight it...he just stood there,"I replied. I had a flashback to walking up the stairs and seeing her kiss him. Dylan turned to me and said,"a lot can happen in a few seconds, reactions can take longer. He seemed so sorry, he really did." I walked down my driveway and went into Thomas' house.

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