The Muse

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It had been 3 weeks after my birthday and it was the day of Thomas' photoshoot. I tagged along with because I loved seeing him in work mode. All business and very serious, it was sexy. I sat behind the camera where the backdrop was. There was a motorcycle in the centre of the room. When Thomas came out he was in a leather jacket, jeans and a ripped t-shirt. An assistant gave him a helmet to put on. He looked like a sexy biker dude. I was digging it.

The cameras flashed from every angle. He was ordered to look this way, then that way, to do this, to do that. He then had to do some shirtless pics. These were my favourite (Cut me some slack. After all, he is my boyfriend). He kept looking at me and smiling. The photographer noticed this. "Emily, is it? Come here let me look at you...mmm yes. Christina! Get her dressed! I want a few couples pictures." The assistant took to into the dressing room to change. I came out wearing the same outfit as Thomas. I felt badass.

Thomas whistled as I walked on set. They changed the backdrop to a street corner and changed a few lights. "Both of you! Put your helmets on and your glasses, Emily you mount the back. Look relaxed. Don't hold onto Thomas" He shouted. I felt like a model. Technically, I WAS a model. The final outcome was going to be on the front of the magazine.

"Emily! Can I get some solo shots of you please? Thomas can you stand here please." Thomas got off the bike and I moved forward. "Emily lean against the bike...CHRISTINA! get her some heels please!" Christina came back with some Louis Vuitton's and helped me put them on. I felt badass and now sexy. "Oh my god she's hot" muttered Thomas. I heard this and smiled. It was hidden under my helmet. The best shot was:


I make so many excuses on here but this is a filler I swear on my life it leads on to something big.

-Molly xx

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