Hit you harder

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It had been 3 weeks since the San Diego trip and Thomas' schedule was busier than ever because of the film premiere of The Scorch Trials. I went to Emma's apartment for lunch. Emma had a new boyfriend who lived in New Jersey. His name was Jason, she met him whilst we were in San Diego. "He's got a yacht and a mansion, I swear Emily he's the one," she said as she sighed with love in her eyes. I was unsure of Jason he seemed untrustworthy. "You've only known him three weeks, you barely even know him," I said. "that's rich coming from you," Emma said snarkily. "What's that supposed to mean?" I said. "you're in no place to talk about elopement, Emily "she added. "why are you like this all of a sudden?" What was wrong with her? Why is she so angry with me?

"It's you. You've changed. Ever since Thomas swooped you off your feet, you become a different person. I don't know who you are anymore." she was standing now shouting at me. "why didn't you tell me any of this? When did this happen" I was now standing too, I could feel my blood starting to boil.  "you missed Matt proposing to Rachel, you completely disappeared for a week; Where did you go anyway?", there were tears welling in her eyes.  "I went on a road trip with Thomas and the others." I was so confused what had happened to her, why wasn't she pleased for me? After all, she was the one who wanted me to get a boyfriend. "Of course you were with Thomas, why didn't I think of that? and I'm assuming you were with your new bestie Kaya then as well" she said sarcastically.

"Oh my god you're jealous because I'm hanging out with my new friends instead of you aren't you? Jesus Emma, you never wanted me to be better than you did you? you ALWAYS had to be in the spotlight. God, you're upset that I have a boyfriend that loves me for me and that Rachel is engaged. Well, guess what Emma? News flash not everything is about you." I was breathless I started to see red. "Are you serious right now I would never be jealous of you with Thomas, In fact, I feel sorry for him that he is stuck with an evil snake like you, no wonder Luke left you, you heartless cow. You know what? I wish Luke hit you harder so that you could be just as ugly on the outside as you are on the inside." She stopped, she covered her mouth with her hand. She had crossed the line, "Emily, I'm sorry I didn't mean..." It was too late I had already stormed out of her apartment before she could finish her sentence.

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