In the ER

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Thomas crying, tears streamed down his face as he watched me lying there in a hospital bed. "this is all my fault" he whispered. Will and Kaya hugged him. "it's not your fault, she's going to be ok. It was only a minor concussion" Kaya said softly. "I should have protected her, I should have tried harder". "You did your best. Besides that asshole is going to need some stitches after tonight". Will patted him on the back.

40 minutes later, I blinked and opened my eyes. Thomas was crying beside me, head down on the bed sobbing into the sheets. I turned my head and ran my fingers through his caramel hair. He looked up at me. His eyes were puffy from crying. "Hey baby, I'm here. I'm right here." He kissed my hand. He smiled weakly. I saw his lip was still bleeding. "you're bleeding", I said. I wiped the blood from his face. He was smiling through his tears. Thomas adored Emily. "I'm fine I promise, you got hurt... and it was my fault" I looked him in the eyes and held his face with my hands, I kissed his forehead. He closed his eyes.

A few minutes later, Ki Hong and Dylan ran in. "what happened? Emily omg are you ok?" Dylan said. Thomas explained what happened and went to check with the nurse if I was ok. The nurse checked me up and said, "this one's a fighter, most people don't wake up this soon after a head injury as bad as hers". "She's strong, I always knew it," Thomas said gazing over at me. I had to stay overnight due to the concussion. Everyone was asleep in the hospital room. Snoring softly.

I sat myself up and looked over at Thomas. He slept with a stern look on his face. I could tell he was exhausted. I sat there for a few minutes thinking how Thomas fought Luke. That bastard, I thought. I knew that Thomas would have done anything to stop Luke. I loved him for that. I loved him for loving me. In the morning, we all left the hospital and left for the hotel. The group had one important panel in 3 hours time that they all had to get ready for.

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