Rivals of love

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Thomas drove me to the studios. I hopped out and went around to his side of the car. He rolled down his window. "You're going to smash this love" He kissed me. "Now go! before you miss your slot." I ran inside. There was a large congregation of girls in the auditorium. Most were pacing and reading through the script. I had read it a couple of times. It was a love scene. She is confessing her love for a man. It was a really emotionally intense scene.

"Number 203! Please make your way in" shouted a man with a clipboard. A strawberry blonde stood up. She had really deep green eyes and a sweet face. I thought I recognised her from somewhere but shook it off as I rehearsed. I was number 205 and was nervous. The girl came out 5 minutes later. She sat back in her chair. She made a phone call. 

"204! Number 204?" the man shouted. No one stood up. "Alrighty then, Number 205 would you please make your way in," he said. Shit. It was my turn. I made my way in, gripping my script. There were a man and a woman waiting at a table. "Emily Montgomery? Can I have your resume and shots please." ordered the woman, she had a kind face. I handed them over. Thomas had taken the pictures of me yesterday. "Alrighty, so can you please use Mark as Steve in the script, please." the man said. I acted out the scene. I tried to imagine myself as her. And Steve to be Thomas. The scene was very emotional. I was really getting into it. Feeling what the girl felt. Tears were welling in my eyes. "I love you Steve", I said as I smiled through one single tear that ran down my cheek. The scene ended with a kiss. I placed my arms around his shoulders like I do with Thomas. I looked him deep into the eyes imagining Thomas' and slowly leant in to kiss him

I took a step back, wiped away my tears and looked at my judges. "That was very good, you can go and wait outside with the others. I came out and many of the girls had gone. Few were left to go and there was an empty seat next to the strawberry blonde. I sat down and checked in my compact mirror for any mascara streaks. I got some gum out of my bag. "Do you mind if I take one?", she said. I offered it over as I said,"Emily. What's your name?". I reached out for a handshake. She took it and said "Isabella. Isabella Melling...so how do you think you did?" she questioned. "Not too bad, I didn't mess up any of my lines if that's what you mean." I smiled. "You?" "I got most of it right until the very end when I said I love you Thomas instead of Steve. I was so embarrassed. Thomas was my boyfriend but we broke up. He's now with this slutbag Emily Montgomery. Shame you have the same first name. If you ask me, I think she's an attention-seeking whore who just wanted her 10 seconds of fame"

 I went on my phone to calm myself down. There was a message from Thomas:

Good luck sweetheart! I know you've got this. I told the gang and they're all rooting for you. See you when you get home. xx


About 10 minutes later, Mark came back in to announce the callbacks. "Jessica Reed, Tiffany Jones, Amber Miller, Ruth Biloba, Isabella Melling, Esther Smith and Emily Montgomery." Isabella turned to me, her face bright red. "OMG, Emily I'm so sorry. I swear I didn't know it was you." she grovelled. "It's Ok, this attention-seeking whore is going to get the part instead of you." I was determined now more than ever to get the part. We had to perform a scene in groups. If this day could get any worse you can probably guess who I got grouped with.

"Emily please, I'm sorry for wh-," I cut her off. "Isabella if you don't mind I just want to get through this scene get my stuff and get the hell out of here." I breathed in and smiled." We got through the scene and were told the result would be sent out by tomorrow evening. "hallelujah I need to get out before I kill someone" I said. As we exited the audition room and went to get our things, Isabella muttered to herself, "Jeez no need to get aggressive." I heard this and turned around. "I'm sorry did I hurt your feelings? I'm ever so sorry for my attention-seeking ways, you see...I'm just a whore" I sarcastically said. She held herself as if she had been accused of murder. I grabbed my things. My ring shimmered in the light as we stepped outside.

"Nice ring you got there...Expensive much?" she snarled. "What that supposed to mean?!" I said. The more she talked the angrier I got. "You've done well to snatch him up. A highly paid actor like Thomas can provide you all the money you want. All you had to do was flash him that smile of yours and have sex with him then he's all yours. God, it's amazing what a pretty face and nice body can do". She started to walk away. I tapped her shoulder and she turned around. "What did you just say to me?" She rolled her eyes "I SAID you're a stingy whore who sleeps with other people's men to get a few new handbags and 10 minutes of fame. Thomas only wants you for bedtime." That was it. "You bitch!"I shouted. She slapped me. My lip started to bleed, I touched my lip and saw the crimson blood on my finger. I almost punched her but saw the security guard in the corner of my eye. She slapped me again. My face stung with pain. At that point, the security guard was holding us apart."Ladies please, no fighting on the premises otherwise you both will be eradicated of your chances of getting the part. I breathed in. I knew the part was more important than this stupid fight. "I'll be the mature one and walk away," I said.

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