The weather

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first of all, I would like to apologise for the inconsistency for my recent chapters, I've been away so have had less time but I have got loads of chapters waiting to be published 

thank you all for being so patient, also how is everyone?


I woke up and headed downstairs to the kitchen. Dylan was making some omelettes. "DYLAN! You've got to give a girl some warning you can't go sneaking around people's houses like that, I thought you were a burgular or something"

"Sorreeeeeeeee, Thomas said I could sleepover in the guest room. He's in the shower." Dylan was still wearing pyjamas. He looked cute. He was wearing a t-shirt and some pyjama bottoms. He went to crack an egg but it landed on his pants. "Shit" he muttered. I giggle behind him.

"You think that's funny little miss Emily?" he laughed and flicked a bit of yolk at me. He hit my butt, leaving a wet handprint. 

"EW Dylan" I squealed. He came after me, he hands covered in raw egg. He chased me around the kitchen island. I picked up some grated cheese on the counter and flung it at him.

"There. Now you're a cheese omelette!" I laughed. He looked at the cheese stuck to his pants in his groin area. He smirked at me and jolted towards me. He grabbed me and smothered it all over me.

"Not so funny now is it? Maybe you could be a cupcake?" He opened the cupboard as I escaped. I ran to the other side of the island. He took out some self-raising flour and gave me a devilish grin with those perfect teeth. My insides were melting.

"YOU WOULDN'T DARE MR O'BRIEN," I challenged as he chucked some flour my way. I gasped. It was all in my hair and on my eyelashes. 

"Never mind you look like a snowman now" he laughed like it was the funniest thing in the world. He was laughing so hard that I crept round and scooped some flower and poured it down his t-shirt. 

"Oh my god" He shouted. He grabbed me and tackled me to the floor. He pinned my hands above my head. He wiped some flour from my face. I looked at his face. God, he was hot. Even if he WAS covered in flour, egg and cheese. His chest was rising up and down from the running. We started laughing and then Thomas walked in. 

We shot up. Thomas started laughing. "What the bloody hell happened?" He saw Dylan's pants and my flour-covered hair.

"Didn't you see the forecast? It said high chances of egg rain, cheese hail and snow" Dylan glanced over at me and winked. I couldn't help but smile. He smirked back. I mean COME ON how is he so hot? And why am I only noticing this now? I walked past them and into my bedroom. Dylan and Thomas watched me as I walked away. They saw my ass. Dylan laughed but Thomas punched him in the arm. I went to get clean off the weather and get changed. My phone buzzed on my bed:


So cool that you go tthe part! Anyhoo the director wants you on set to run through some practice reharsals with the final candidate for the main male role. I heard that he's cute so dress up. Meet us at the set in 2 hours


Great! A chance to get away from the guys was perfect. I needed something to distract me from my personal life. I put on a pair of black high waisted shorts and a blue shirt. I tied my hair in a side fishtail and put on some makeup. I walked back into the kitchen to find Dylan standing there in just his boxers washing up. It reminded me of the night I met Thomas. Why are guy's butts so god damn cute?! Dylan was well built with toned abs and biceps but staring at his back muscles is what really turned me on.

"You look cute, where are you going?"

"Thanks,I have to go for a quick rehearsal on set in about an hour. I've been told my co-star is cute." I said.

 He turned around and laughed whilst serving the omelettes on a plate. There was a wet patch on the bulge in his boxers from where the egg had soaked through. I couldn't help but laugh at myself. "Thanks Dyl" he smiled and sat down next to me. "I'm out for the new role too so I'll be back around the same time." I finished my omelette and picked up my cars keys. 

"Dylan, Where is your rehearsal?"

"It's in Princeton"

"Mine too. They must have a few studios there."

"I can give you lift, If you want. What film was is it you were in?"

"I'm sworn to secrecy, although this is my first mainstream role I'm pretty sure you have to turn up wearing more clothes than some boxers"

"Why? You don't think they'll like my style?"

I heard Thomas laugh from the living room. I went back to the hallway and put on some converse. Dylan came out the spare room. He was wearing some jeans and a tank top. We got in his jeep and headed on our way.


sorry this chapter kinda sucked but stick with it! Thank you to all those who have been voting. Make sure you recommend this story to friends to read, comment on who you think Emily will go for!!

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