The next morning

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The next morning, I woke up to an empty house. I got dressed and had some cereal. What was I going to tell the group? Has Thomas already told them? What was I going to tell Dylan? There was a knock at my door, it was Dylan. "You know the door is open, you could just walk right in"

"I know but you could be naked or something" I wrapped my arms around his big shoulders. He was looking hot today. He was wearing a white shirt, sleeves rolled up, and some black pants and don't even get me started on his cologne. I could get high off it. "Me being naked has never stopped you before." I flirted. "wait isn't Thomas here?"

"Thomas and I broke up last night"

"What?! Oh my fucking god, this is my fault. Shit. I swear-"

"No, it wasn't because of that actually. It was a joint decision. What we had just isn't there anymore, our spark is...was all we had left and it left after the isabella thing."

"Don't be, besides all I want is for my true love to come and find me."

He twirled me around and lead me outside. We got in Roscoe and made our way to Princeton. Dylan kissed me on the cheek and held the trailer door open. What a gentleman, this only makes him cuter. I sat down on the couch as he made some coffee.

My phone buzzed there was a message on the group chat.

Hey, everyone! Who wants to go out and have fun tonight. Pls, I'm so bored being stuck inside all day. DOUBLE DATE?


I fidgeted in my seat. I wasn't sure if she was directing that at Thomas and I or Dylan and I. I decided to call her. "Hey Kaya"

"gosh, I haven't seen you guys in aaaaagggggeeeeessss. How are things with Thomas?" Oh no she didn't know. Did Thomas want her to know?

"Thomas and I are just friends. We broke up after the whole isabella thing,"

"What are you OK?"

"Yeah I'm fine it was a mutual agreement. We're cool though we still are friends."

"Oh Ok well no double date then"

"No it's fine I can come with Dylan"

"Dylan? Are you a thing now?" I stepped outside so Dylan couldn't hear me. 

"It's early days, I don't think he wants to go public or anything yet"

"Does Thomas know about this?"

"Yes, he was the one who spotted it"

"oh ok. Sure let's go to that place you went to. You know the ice rink and arcade."

"I thought you said you couldn't skate..."

"No, but I can beat you at ski-ball anytime anyplace"

"That's settled then, meet at mine at 20:00?"

"see you then" she hung up and I went back inside. Dylan was watching the baseball. The Mets weren't doing well. I watched the tv leaning against the kitchen counter. Dylan stared at me. I blushed. "Don't you want to watch your team?"

"Between The Mets and Emily Montgomery, I know which one I would rather watch." He picked me up and set me on the counter. He started to kiss my neck when Christina walked in. She instructed us to get in her golf cart and come with her immediately for the first scene of the day which we were already late for.

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