Cosmopolitan pg 4

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"Where does he live anyway?" Rachel asked. "Funny enough, Thomas lives next door,"I said. My stomach tensed every time I said his name. "That's crazy! What a small world!". Rachel shot up and said, "well I want to see him then". "You can't he's got an interview right now so he's not home".  Emma was sitting on the sofa muttering to herself and then started laughing. "What's so funny?" I asked. "You don't know who he is, do you? OMG Emily, sometimes you are so oblivious" she cackled. Starting to get rather annoyed, I went over to her and sat there waiting for her to explain what on earth was she talking about. Rachel came and sat next to me.

Emma pulled out an issue of Cosmopolitan on the front cover it said: THE MAZE RUNNER CAST INTERVIEW ON PAGE 4. I flicked the pages to find a picture of the maze runner cast on the glossy page. There was Thomas. My Thomas, the famous actor Thomas Brodie-Sangster. I was shocked. I was such an idiot. That is what Thomas was laughing about before he left for the interview, it all made sense now. "You've gone and got yourself a celebrity boyfriend" Rachel squealed. "He's not my boyfriend, unfortunately." The girls continued to harass me about Thomas for at least another hour until I couldn't deal with it anymore. "right that's it! I'm going to stay at Thomas' for the rest of the afternoon for some peace and quiet." 

I darted out the door and ran into his driveway and up onto his porch. Under the mat was the spare key. I opened the door and was greeted by a strawberry-blonde in Tom's flip flops. "who are you? and why are you in my brother's house?" (wait! Brother? she had a British accent like Thomas. Then my mind fitted the pieces, it was Ava Sangster.) "I'm a friend of Tom's we met last night" I replied. "I've never met a girlfriend of Tommy, well I don't he has that that many girlfriends"(I felt myself blushing HARD)"emphasis on the friend part, I'm not his girlfriend". Ava smiled sweetly and said I could stay until Tom gets back in an hour.

There was a knock at the door. Ava shouted from upstairs for me to open it. Standing there at the door was a really pretty girl with long jet black hair. She was the image of perfect. "Hi, there! Who are you?" "I'm Emily I'm Thomas' friend" "Oh you're the mysterious Emily" "KAAAAAYYYYYAAAAA" shrieked Ava as she jolted down the stairs and hugged Kaya. (How does she know me? I thought). "where's Tom and the others?" said Ava. "they're coming I've finished all my interviews so I'm done for the day they'll be back later" Kaya explained. We ended up watching Love Actually because Thomas was so cute in it according to Ava.

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