One day

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*Emily's POV*

Dylan stuck his tongue out at me. He was so cute. I turned around and went to help chop tomatoes. "So you like my little Dylan" I turned to Lisa. "yeah he's so smart and goofy" She wrapped her arms around me. She held my arms. "I'm so glad Dylan met you, he is always face timing us about you" Oh my that's so cute, his mom is so sweet. "Yeah well... I'm glad I met him too" She hugged me again. I went back to chopping.

"So how did you guys meet?" I didn't want to mention the whole Thomas situation. I didn't want to bring it up.

"We went ice skating and he and I performed Symphony number 5"

"That always was his favourite, you know... I made Dylan take up ice skating.He was so cute in his lycra costumes, I have pictures on my phone" OMG I had to see these. He was so little and scrawny. He was adorable, not that he wasn't now but I can't begin to describe how cute he was. Dylan walked into me laughing at a pic of him with his sister Julia. He hugged me from behind. "What are you two-" He saw the phone and his smile turned to a frown. "MOOOOMMM" he shouted as he covered my eyes. "It has barely been 2 hours and already you're embarrassing me" I turned around to my frustrated boy. His cute little frown. I kissed his nose."Don't worry you kept your cuteness" I smiled. "He sure did" Lisa grabbed one of his cheeks as I laughed. I felt his phone buzz in his pocket. My phone buzzed too. I checked my phone.

Kaya's gone into labour!!!!!!!!


Omg Kaya! I gasped and looked at Dylan. He was as shocked as me. "Mom, don't hate us but Kaya's gone into labour, we need to visit the hospital" He breathed as I ran to get my keys. "Kaya's having her baby!! Aww, congratulate her for me" 

*skip the journey to hospital and finding the room*

. Will was there with Kaya and his parents. He looked stressed. The door was closed. Dylan knocked on the window and waved to Will. I waved at Kaya. She gave me a weak smile before having another contraction. Dylan and I sat down in the hallway. A few hours later, we were allowed in. I ushered into the room holding onto Dylan's hand. Will was sitting beside Kaya who was holding their baby boy. I walked over to the bed. Kaya smiled at with tears in her eyes. Will was crying. "Congrats Kay! you're finally a mom" I whispered, trying not to wake the baby. Dylan smiled at Kaya and patted Will on the back. "You can hold him if you want" Kaya offered Dylan. Dylan nodded and picked him up. He was grinning from ear to ear at this baby. He was going to make a great dad someday. Seeing him so nurturing kind of turned me on in a weird way. I'm sorry I know it's the best time but damn that boy is cute.

I smiled at Dylan. He kissed the baby on the forehead. "Hey little guy, I'm going to spoil you rotten I promise. I can't wait for you to support the Mets".  I laughed to myself, Kaya looked at me. "What do you think? I think he looks more like Will" I hugged Kaya and stroked the baby's cheek. I held him for a bit and rocked him gently. He was so cute and definitely had his mother's eyes. Dylan kissed my cheek and looked down at the baby. He whispered in my ear, "You're going to be an amazing mother one day" I smiled at the thought of Dylan and I were a family. Dylan being a dad.

We left the hospital and headed home. Dylan's parents had saved us some leftovers from lunch since it was now 17:00. I sat down on the couch, Dylan's arm over my shoulder. I leant my head against into his chest. "What did Kaya have?" Patrick chimed."A baby boy" I replied with a smile. Lisa awed and looked back at Dylan. "Kaya and Will made us the godparents". I looked up at Dylan who was still beaming. We sat and talked for hours until the sun started to set. "We best be going then," Patrick stood up but spilt some wine on the floor and his socks. As Lisa and I were cleaning up, Patrick asked Dylan for some socks to borrow. "I don't have any"

"What do you mean you don't have any"

"I don't live here dad"

"That's nonsense you two have been together almost 6 months, you should at least live together" I realised it was a bit silly. Dylan always came over anyway so why shouldn't he move in. I got up to say goodbye to the O'Briens as they left. I closed the door behind them and went to put away the dishes. Dylan came up behind me and moved hair from my neck and started to kiss my jaw. I moaned and turned around. "Why don't you move in it would-" He cut me off by kissing me. I was assuming that was a yes. He wrapped his hands around my thighs and lifted me up. He walked towards my bedroom. It had been what felt like forever. He bumped into the doorframe slightly. "Shit, sorry" He was so clumsy. Only making him cuter. "All you have to do is get us to the bed" This seemed to be enough motivation as he laid me down slowly on the bed. He took off his shirt and I tried to unhook my dress but couldn't reach it. He came up behind me and unhooked it. It reminded me of the time we got stuck together on the plane I smiled at the thought and started to unbutton his pants. He kicked them off and leant down. We both shuffled out of our underwear. He kissed my neck hungrily, I moaned and kissed him and well you know what happens next.

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