Goodbye, my queen

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Guys, it's my 50th chapter of this story I'm so shocked that this story became so much to me. Thank you for all the support!

p.s I'm sorry what's about to happen...


*Emily's POV*

I went to have a shower, to try and wash away what happened today. I got into bed. Thomas was facing the other way. He turned over and faced me, he spoke"You know what bothers me the most"


"Not the fact you had the sex scene with Dylan today, but how little I feel about it. Molly, I could tell ever since the Isabella thing you and I have been drifting apart. I think the spark we once had and gone. I see how you avoid kissing me, you think I don't notice but I do." We sat up, I sat and let him talk.

"I see the way Dylan looks at you, the way you look at him. You're in love. Trust me I know. You have that look in your eye. The look you had for me."

"Thomas, I'm sorry"

"Don't be. This last month I've been waiting for you to just turn around and breakup with me. I hate breakups. They are always so messy. You can never completely cut someone from your life. I don't want to cut you from my life, I don't want to break up with you. We may not love each other anymore but...I still care for you"

"Then let's not breakup lets...just take a step back. Thomas. You have been the first proper boyfriend who has treated me with such kindness and respect. I'll never forget that. I could never cut you out of my life because I care for you two Thomas and I'm sure any girl with her wits about her would be extremely lucky to have such a loving and kind person by her side."

"And I think that Dylan is a bloody lucky guy to have such an amazing woman who loves him as much as he loves her"


"Friends." Thomas leant in and hugged me. I hugged him back. He pulled away and wiped away a tear falling down my cheek. He kissed my forehead. "Goodbye, my queen" he picked up his things and left. That night was the first night I had cried myself to sleep.


*slowly peeks around from laptop screen* please don't kill me. I promise things get better. Please don't murder me in my sleep, I'm sorry. I ship EMMAS and DYLEM.

Comment below if you're sad.

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