The best night ever

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I was standing at a bar. In a room full of pretty girls. With a gorgeous boy. And he's talking to me. Not Emma. Not Rachel. Me. It seemed like we talked for hours. Every second more I was falling faster and faster in love with him."I honestly thought tonight was going to go a very different way!" I said. "why is that?" He smirked at me, "for starters, my friends have gone off god knows where and I have no ride home" I said. 

"I don't live far from here you can come back to mine to relax, if you want to that is"his cheeks blushed a bright crimson. His strong British accent was too much for me to handle. He said he had a meeting tomorrow and needed to get some sleep; Thomas and I got a taxi to his house. Most of that night was a blur. We stumbled in through the door and somehow made it to the sofa. We watched a movie on Netflix and I think we completely passed out; I know I did.

I woke up on the sofa under a blanket. I forgot where I was. I was in Thomas' house, it was then I realised that I was the only one in the house. I searched the house for Thomas but found a note on his bed. He had gone to get pastries for breakfast. I headed for the bathroom and got in the shower. When I was done, I reached out for a towel and grabbed a hand instead. I jumped with fright and peered round from the shower curtain. It was Thomas. his golden hair flopped over his face and I noticed how different he looked in daylight. "morning love, I'll get you a towel." he grabbed a towel out from the linen cupboard and came back humming a song that was playing in the bar last night. "I didn't mean to frighten you I thought you had left me". I wrapped my petite tanned body in the towel and stepped out of the shower. "leave you? Never." I said jokingly. "I bloody hope not. After all, I just got to know you." he moved a piece of my toffee-coloured hair away from my face. The bathroom mat had flopped over and I tripped on the corner. Thomas caught me in his arms and reset me in his muscular embrace. "careful now, the floor's soaking wet don't want you getting hurt" he chuckled and stepped back. I looked up at his face as he tried to look serious but broke out into a nervous smile.

My phone started ringing which scared us both. I shuffled in my towel to pick it up. It was Rachel. I answered the phone swiftly. "omg Emily where are you we're worried sick we thought you were lying in a ditch somewhere, last night was amazing I wish Matt was here with me." I immediately got bored of hearing about Rachel's boyfriend Matt and quickly replied with "I'm safe don't worry I'll be home in a bit I'll call u when I get to yours to pick up my car". and to Rachel's astonishment, (and mine to be honest) I hung up.

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