Scouts' Honour

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*Still Emily's POV*

I was snuggling on the sofa with all my best friends. Home alone was on and everyone was enjoying it. I know it's meant to be a kids film but it's hilarious so don't judge us. When the movie ended, the Teen Wolf gang decided it was best to head home before the storm hit too hard. We exchanged hugs and goodbyes as they trekked to their cars and drove off. I realised it was still Christmas and I hadn't given Dylan his gift. It's not as great as a beautiful home but it was still important. I got him a bracelet, not like a girly chain or jewellery. It was a braid. I had a matching one. Simple but the entwining threads reminded me of how Dylan and I were some way connected. I always thought we had this connection, Unspoken of course. The leather strips were the laces from the ice skates I wore that night. The night I fell for my Dylan. 

I ran upstairs to my room, well our room. I had kept the box in my jacket pocket. Where was it? I opened up the large mahogany closet. There was my coat, in it were the bracelets. I ran into Dylan in the doorway. "Dylan! You scared me" he kissed me. "What are you doing? You're missing the party. Come on we're going to play strip truth or dare" He teased whilst grabbing my butt. I smirked at him. "So how do you like your new home?"

"It's beautiful, it's all alpine. It reminds me when I used to go skiing"

*Dylan's POV*

I knew it would pay off. She was beaming. It was the perfect time to give her her gift. I reached into my back pocket to reveal a small velvet box. She pulled out a small velvet box as well. "You go first" I smirked. She handed me the box, I opened it. In it was a bracelet. A leather one. She showed me a matching one on her wrist. I loved it, it wasn't crazy. Simple but kind. My kinda style. "It's a promise bracelet. It's made from the laces of my skates from the night I fell for you." This was crazy, I bought her, well MADE her a promise ring out of the blade from my skates from the same night. There was a small diamond on it as well. I wasn't one to splash the money to show off but man I loved this girl. She was so thoughtful. I kissed her lips before she cut me off breathless.

"Whaatt-" I gasped as she pushed my chest away. Her present, duh. I gave her the ring. She opened it, a large smile crept across her face. I slid it on whilst reciting the speech I had planned in my head for hours. "This promise ring is that I will never lose sight of what's important to me and try to keep her forever. I promise to love you always and protect you. Scouts honor" I saluted which made her laugh that cute laugh. Her eyes were welling with tears as her face dropped. I was about to ask her if she was alright but she bolted out the room and out the front door with tears falling down her cheeks. Shit. I gave her a fucking ring.

*Emily's POV*

How could he be so perfect? I looked at the promise ring on my finger and looked up at Dylan. He saluted, what a goofball. I stared at the ring but a pang of sadness hit me. I thought of my mom and sister. They were at home without me. I had left them alone. At a bad time, I thought of my dad walking out on us. Rage filled me. I thought of the ring. The only thing he left behind, other than his family. I looked at Dylan. He looked so happy. What was wrong with me? My anxiety had stopped last year. I got over my dad but what was happening right now? I didn't understand, I couldn't do this, all I could think of was what my mother had said to me. "All men are fools, Emily, they use you and they hurt you. Be careful Emily, they do not deserve you" I stared at Dylan surely he wasn't like that. Surely... surely he wouldn't walk out on me. The thought triggered my eyes to start welling up, I couldn't tell Dylan so I ran out before he could see me cry.

The cold blizzard air hit me. When had it gotten so cold? The frost nipped at my body. I couldn't stay her and fall more in love with him. I walked out into the snow. The powder crunched under my step, I had to keep going. I turned around and the house was barely visible. I hadn't put on a jacket or shoes. Where was my car? I kept walking and walking. I must have gotten lost, all I could see were trees around me. The house wasn't in sight, not that I could see much for the most part. Last time I checked it was around 5 O'clock, the sun was still up but who knows how long it will stay up. I had made a mistake but I couldn't go back. Even if I wanted to I was lost. I could no longer feel cold, my body was numb. I looked around me. Skeletal branches of pine needles whipped at my face in the wind. I was in a forest. How far did I walk?

I trudged along trying to find my bearings. I took another step. A shot of pain seared into my ankle. I looked down at my foot. My blood was seeping into the snow. I screamed out in pain. I felt down to find a metal claw snagged into my leg. I had stood in a bear trap. I collapsed in the snow. I couldn't bare it any longer. I could see white, everything was consumed in the ice and snow. I cried out for help. My tears pricked my eyes. No one would hear my cries over the screeching of the wind. I was alone. Forever alone.I could only think of my mother, my sister. I needed someone to save me. I needed Dylan. I closed my eyes and stared into the black void that was my mind.

* Dylan's POV*

The whiteness consumed her. I heard shouts from the house. I couldn't let her go out there. Her silhouette guided me only so far until I could no longer see. The tears I had cried were burning my cheeks. I was freezing in the storm and I was in pyjama pants and a top. Emily was small with the very little amount of clothing on. She would freeze, she would die out there. I gathered the others and we dressed up; Kaya staying behind in case she came back to the house. Thank God for those emergency torches in jeeps.

We spread out and searched. Will, Thomas and I took the forest. Emma the main roads. The trees were caked in snow. My eyelashes were heavy, I wiped away my tears as we kept searching. I heard something about how there are Coyotes in Pennsylvania, or maybe it was black bears? Shit, I think there are both. We had to find her. The property was 19 acres so finding her wasn't going to be easy.

The wind had died down but the snow kept coming. How could I have been so stupid to run back to the house? I should have run after her. That promise ring was to promise to protect her, to keep her safe. To love her. I'm such a piece of shit. I couldn't even keep that promise for 5 minutes. Thomas and I split up from Will. I let the tears fall silently down my face. There was no point wiping them away, they would be replaced by new ones. I looked over at Thomas. He was so calm but his eyes were frantic. Scanning around for any movement. He noticed me looking.

"Don't worry mate we'll find her" He gave me a weak smile. I looked ahead. There were footprints...Just not human ones. I crouched down with my torch. It looked like a dog footprint. Shit the coyotes. My mind was racing all I could think of was Emily being trapped, she could die. I pushed forward. We needed to find her. We had to find her.


duh duh ddddduuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhh. Cliffhanger! Sorry but hey make everything more exciting. 

-Molly xx

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