A home

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Hey, guys! I'm back and better than ever. I'm sorry for the break but I had a lack of motivation and needed some inspiration. I have been inspired and the chapters will continue coming, thanks for staying!

-Molly xx


*Dylan's POV*

It was December 1st. I woke up to see Emily by my side. Her toffee hair covered her beautiful face. I didn't want to wake her. November had been a long stressful month. Our deadline for Teen Wolf has been shortened meaning I have been having to work extra hours, I was seeing less and less of Emily. She was busy with her film so our schedules were always busy. With the Teen Wolf studios being closer to my apartment, I've been spending most nights there. My dad's words were repeating in my head: "you two have been together for six months, you should at least live together". I didn't always agree with my dad but he wasn't wrong. I had this weekend off so whilst Emily was out filming I would start looking for a new home.

She had to leave early so all I got from her was a small kiss on the cheek before she left. She thought I was staying at my apartment tonight. I thought it was best to visit Kaya and Will, they lived together so they could give me advice on what to look for. They recommended a salesman downtown. There he showed me what was available. The first few houses were nice but I knew that when the right one showed up I would just know. I drove around all day with the salesman. It was hopeless, nothing seemed to be perfect. I thought about Emily. What I wanted for her. What she wanted too. She was always a great thinker if only I could talk to her now.

After 2 weeks of searching, I finally found the one. It was in Pennsylvania so it wasn't far and it was near Ridley Creek State Park. It was perfect. It was 6 bedrooms with a pool and games room. The cinema room was perfect. But none of that mattered I would be with her. Christmas was around the corner and Emily and I was hosting a get together at her place. Little did she know that I had texted everyone to come to our new house instead. I wanted it to be a surprise. Molly and I had to reconnect after being apart for so long. I know three weeks doesn't seem long but she had some sort of spell on me. I couldn't get enough of her. It would be our first Christmas, Kaya and Will's first Christmas with their son and my first with my girlfriend. Don't get me wrong I've had the average amount of girlfriends for a wimpy Mets fan who made youtube videos, which is about 0, but this was different. I loved Emily and I think she loves me.

*Emily's POV*

It was the night before Christmas Eve. I usually spend Christmas with my family. I haven't seen them since June for my sister's 12th birthday. God, I miss them. We didn't really do the whole "Christmas thing" ever since our dad left. He walked out my sister and my mom one Christmas Eve and never came back. No texts, no reason. Just left. In my room, he left me a ring. It was pretty but I'm sure I threw it out. I've pretty much had no contact with him since. I think that's why I never really had a boyfriend. I've always been helping out with my sister since my mom had to work two jobs and maybe because I don't trust men. I don't want to say I have "daddy issues" but it has definitely affected me. People are so fake, they can say I love but walk out the next day. I couldn't waste my time on boyfriends. My family came first. My mom has been my main parent, she's so strong and I admire her so much. She acts like she's fine but when Christmas rolls around I can see she's still hurt. I never told anyone this, only Emma and Rachel know.

It's not something I've shared with a boyfriend. Not that I've had that many to tell. Like I said men are dicks. Dylan wasn't my first boyfriend of course. Thomas was my first decent one and I don't even want to think about when I was with Luke. Oh and if you count Timothy Jones in 3rd grade. I think we were a couple of 3 hours because Timothy shared his cookie with me. If only 3rd grade Emily could see me now. What would she think?

I drove out of the studio waving to Mark, the security guard. I had to go to the store to buy some last minute ingredients for the cookies Dylan was so determined to make. I loved him so much but damn was he stubborn. I swear before I bought him that cooking book he lived off pizza and grilled cheese. He was making a huge roast turkey. When I got home he was packing boxes of my stuff. "Babe what are you doing". He jumped up. His socks slid on the floorboards causing him to fall and curse. I giggled and went to pick him up. He was holding his head. He winced as I touched it. I kissed his sweet soft lips. He grabbed my waist and hoisted me over his shoulder. I patted on his back and whined. "Let me go!"

"No, I might lose you"

"You're never going to lose me, O'Brien" I hit his butt and squealed. He hit my butt and put me down. I kissed him one more time, his lustful kiss almost made me forget why he was packing the boxes. I pull back and drew a breath. Dylan was breathless too, my lipstick smeared on him. I wiped it off before looking him right in those gorgeous chocolate eyes.

"What were you doing with my stuff?"

"UGGHHH redecorating?"

"What do you what to decorate?" I said going along with his excuse. I raised my eyebrow. I wasn't buying any of it.

"Fine! Pat wanted me to collect some of your personal things to use on set for Wonderwoman, she said something about how actors respond to things they know" He said it confidently and it seemed legitimate enough. Besides, I was so tired from today that it wasn't worth it to argue. It was cold that night. I shivered in bed under the sheets. Dylan wrapped his arm around me and became the big spoon. I could feel his warm breath on my neck. I felt safe and turned around. He leant in and we pressed our foreheads together, I didn't realise how tired I was until I closed my eyes.

The next morning it was Christmas Eve, I promised Emma we would go have a Christmas spa day to get pampered for the party. She was so eager to go all of a sudden. She booked everything. I hoped Dylan wouldn't mind me being away all day. Dylan was drooling on his pillow, his hair all fluffy and cute. I untangled myself from him and went and showered. I put on some makeup and got dressed then went to meet Emma.

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