Um problema

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The media didn't help the situation. Someone had videoed Dylan and I skating and it had gone viral. We got home to find Kaya on the sofa watching TV. I went over to Kaya and said,"você fala português" to see if she could speak Portuguese. After all, she was Brazillian. She replied saying she could. "Why are we speaking in Portuguese?" she asked in Portuguese. The boys looked puzzled. "so the boys don't understand us" I replied. "eu tenho um problema" I started. "What is it?" she asked. "I'm in love with Dylan," I blurted out in Portuguese. "But I thought you and Thomas...". I looked at her and looked down.

"Let's take a walk" we headed outside. "What the bloody hell was that about?" Thomas looked at Dylan. "I have no clue," replied Dylan.

Kaya and I walked along the street. "I knew Dylan liked you but you liking him? That was unexpected, to say the least."

"It was unexpected for me too, trust me"

"so what are you going to do?"

"Honestly? I don't know"

"Thomas loves you and you love him don't you?"

"I mean...I guess so. After the whole Isabella incident, I think my head forgave him but my heart didn't"

"My mother told me about something like this and how to handle it...then again it was about two kids in my preschool when I was 3 but I think it applies here"

"Well, aren't you going to tell me?"

"If you ever find yourself in love with two guys at the same time, go for the second guy because if you really loved the first you wouldn't have cared for the second"

"That does make sense I guess...but is that always true?"

"I've stuck by it and now I'm with the love of my life and we're doing pretty fine so it seems to work" she laughed.

"I think I should get some sleep and think about it in the morning"

We headed back to my house, Thomas and Dylan both stood up when we came through the door. They came over with suspicious faces. "What are you two talking about?" they asked.

"It's a secret" I put my finger on my lip and winked at Kaya. She smirked. Thomas grabbed me and carried me to bed. Dylan drove Kaya home. I laid awake trying to think. Thomas was snoring lightly. His messy golden hair flowed over his face.

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