A new opportunity

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We had gone to Rachel's wedding that weekend. It was really beautiful but Thomas and I were exhausting since we had missed our return flight and had to wait in the airport for 3 hours. We had just got back so I headed to the kitchen to find anything that was edible. I made myself a coffee. On the kitchen counter, my laptop screen lit up with a notification. I got an email with the subject heading: Audition for WonderWoman. I opened it:

Hello Emily Montgomery,

It's me Christina from the photoshoot a few days ago. My boss was talking to a film producer after the shoot and he saw your photos. He wants you to come and audition for a role in his new film in 2018 WonderWoman. He said you had the look they were going for and wanted to you to come along tomorrow. Your audition slot is at 9. Be there on time or you'll risk losing your slot. The auditions are being held at the studios next door to the set of the photoshoot. You know te way. I hope you take this opportunity and come!

See you there! (maybe?)


(Well that was weird) I thought to myself. "Thomas, I just got the weirdest email." He came over and scanned the email. "I didn't know you acted" he hugged me. "I wouldn't call it acting, just a few minor parts in some films when I was young" it seemed stupid to try and go for a mainstream movie part. "Well I started off small and worked my way up, you've just got get back out there into the flow of things", he held me by the shoulders and looked at me in the eyes. 

"Emily, I want you to take this role. Three reasons, One being that you could pull off any role because you're such a creative person with a beautiful mind who finds a new perspective most people wouldn't even think of. Two, because of your job. Running around in an office all day getting coffees and handing out newspapers is not a way to live out your life. Acting...it's a chance to enter a new world every time that camera turns on. You can escape and be a whole new person in a new reality created and chosen for you. And finally, three. I love you with all my heart and I think it's my duty to make you happy in life and I can see you're most happy when you're escaping this reality. The way you stare at raindrops on a window or how you gaze at clouds in the sky. Even that cute face you make when you're concentrating.  When you absorb yourself in your own reality created by you. That is when you're the happiest in the day. Behind the cameras with your friends beside you, being a new life created by someone, having the chance to become them and interpret them into your own reality. That's acting." He smiled, kissed my nose and went outside with his tea.

I knew why he was an actor now, he loved it. From every little detail from the lights and set to the people around him. I had never seen someone so driven and happy about what they do in all my life. He had a passion for it and the fact that he wanted to share that passion with me is what persuaded me to go for it.


A new oppurtunity for Emily! This opens so many new plots for the next few chapters, I've got some decision making to do.

-Molly xx

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