Exploring San Diego

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When we landed, we all got into a black coach for another 1-hour drive to the hotel.Whilst Ki Hong and Will checked in at the hotel desk, Thomas came up to me and said: "We have 3 rooms booked; you and Kaya can share one if you want".

 "who said that's what I want?" I said flirtatiously. He kissed me and walked back to the front desk. When we got to our room I jumped onto the bed and laughed like a small child. Kaya sighed and set her stuff down by the mirror. Thomas knocked on the door and came in. He leapt on top of me and tickled me. "stop it! it tickles! I can't breathe" I screamed. He stopped and just kissed me slowly. Kaya rolled her eyes and said" Thomas I think you'll be more comfortable in here. We can switch, I'll sleep with Will". I smirked at her. There was definitely something going on between them.

It was 5 pm. The gang had gone for their panel interview so I was left to explore San Diego. I found a cute coffee shop with loads of fairy lights. It reminded me of the night I met Thomas. My stomach tensed as I remembered the first time I gazed into those chocolate brown eyes. I went into a small boutique. It was filled with loads of cute clothes. Since I didn't bring any clothes with me I decided to splurge some money on three new outfits for the trip. As I was going to pay, I saw a floral dress with long sleeves and a lace hem. I immediately fell in love with it and grabbed it. I knew I could wear it on a date night with Thomas.

I headed back to the hotel and passed a sign that read: BELMONT PARK fairground. I knew this would be the perfect place for a date night. I checked my phone. I had 3 missed calls from Thomas, I called him back. "Emily where are you? I came back to the hotel room and you were gone. The group want to go to this fairground called Belmont Park tonight". It was if they read my mind. "yeah sure I just went to buy some clothes I'll be back soon, see you in a bit" I explained and hung up.

When I reached the hotel room and unlocked the door, I saw Thomas fixing his hair in just his boxers. I went and collapsed on the bed. The jet lag had kicked in. I stared at his butt and said "you have a really cute butt you know". 

"yes I'm aware thank you" he chuckled and jumped onto me and kissed me. At this moment the rest of the group walked in. "um sorry, god. I'll just um come back later" Dylan said in an annoying voice. Thomas looked up and looked flustered. He was enjoying the moment. Kaya saw the bags and said, "ooh new clothes I see, Thomas we need to get ready; I'm officially kicking you out of your room temporarily". Thomas looked at me kissed me one more time. Ki Hong exclaimed, "come on Thomas she's not going to disappear on you hurry up". Thomas looked at him and smiled. He walked over to get some clothes and then followed the rest of the guys out leaving me and Kaya to get ready.

I showered and applied some makeup. A pale pink lip and peach eyeshadow with eyeliner. It was Kaya's idea. Usually I wouldn't go for such dramatic make up but Kaya's makeup was always so nice I might as well let her do it.

 Kaya and I were done getting ready. I was wearing the dress I got earlier with my hair loose, Kaya was wearing a black skater skirt and a floral crop top. We got a text on the group chat saying to meet the boys outside at the front of the hotel.


More chapters tomorrow, some interesting characters are coming!

Stay tuned

-Molly xx

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