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Thomas was sleeping soundly and Dylan, Will and I were having breakfast. I was making scrambled eggs for everyone. Dylan stood behind me and peered over my shoulder. "I never knew you could cook," he said. "I never knew you could kiss,"I smirked. Dylan rubbed the back of his hair. "Yeah about that..." my phone in my pocket started buzzing. "Your butt is vibrating" he laughed. "could you get that for me?" he took my phone out of my back pocket and answered. 

"Hello, Emily Montgomery's manager speaking," he said. I chuckled and smiled at him. After a few minutes and nods from Dylan, he hung up. "you have landed your first big time movie job", he hugged me from behind. "WHAT?! OMG, I ACTUALLY DID IT? I have to tell Thomas" I ran up the stairs like a child. Thomas was out of bed and walking out his bedroom when I pushed him back onto his bed. "I DID IT! I GOT THE ROLE" I squealed. He Stood up and hugged me. "I knew you would" he tried to kiss me but I pulled back into a hug instead. I couldn't kiss him yet, I wasn't ready. "We have to celebrate," he said. He grabbed my hand and lead me downstairs. 

We arrived in the kitchen and I sat up on the kitchen counter watching Dylan. Dylan had taken over with the eggs and was now serving them on toast. We decided after breakfast to meet up with Kaya and Ki-Hong. Dylan had to go film some final scenes for Teen Wolf but would meet us later. We drove to Will and Kaya's house to pick up Kaya then went to pick up Ki Hong. She was 4 months pregnant now and you could see a baby bump. We all picked up some lunch. Kaya and I went to do some maternity shopping together whilst the boys went to get coffee. Whilst walking along I saw a new building which hadn't been there before. They built a huge hockey ice rink but had skating sessions in the evening. "We should totally go there to celebrate tonight", I said. " It looks cool. I wish I could come but I don't really want to be getting on the ice and risk falling." 

 "Maybe just Thomas and I could go and the rest of you chill at his?" I compromised. "Sounds good, but I know Dylan used to play hockey as a kid so he might tag along" she laughed. We got some new baby blankets and maternity clothes from Emma's shop. "Hey," she said.

"Hey Em, how are you?"

"Good, the store's really getting popular now so that's always great. You?"

"Well not much other than the fact that I just got the leading role in the mainstream film WONDERWOMAN"

"Omg congrats"

"Wait did you just say wonder woman?" said kaya

"Yeah, why?" I was curious. She smirked at me and picked up the shopping bags. What was she smiling about? I said bye to Emma and we went to meet back up with the boys.

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