On set chemistry

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 Dylan dropped me off outside the coffee shop and waved from the window before driving off. I went inside and found Christina. I shook her hand. She collected her coffee and linked arms with me. She took me along the street and we walked a few blocks to the studios. "Nice outfit, you look cute! Anyway... you're gong to run through a few scenes today and then get a look at the script. The director has assigned me to be your personal manager/assistant for the day so you're stuck with me. Now come on you're going to be late." She took me through some gates and around the main building. Behind were some trailers. we went into a trailer. The door had a sign which read:


I wasn't used to all this attention. I looked over at the trailer next to mine. "Who's is that?" I asked. "That's your co-star, the one you're meeting today. Okay...so this is your trailer; you will come here in between filming and meetings. The managing staff have a trailer a few down so you can come find me if you need me. I've emailed you your schedule, map and application for your ID pass which is what you'll need to get in and out the main entrance. There's snack in the in the cupboards, and in the dining hut. There's wifi and I requested that some personal items are sent over. I think that pretty much covers everything...Right, come on we need to get you onto the main set."

We walked over and Christina sat me down in a chair with the word WONDERWOMAN emblazoned on the back. I felt so important. A woman with a stern face walked in. She was wearing a cap that said, DIRECTOR, even though we were indoors and surrounded by stage lights. She came over and shook my hand. "Hello Emily, I'm Patty Jenkins but you can call me Pat. We're excited to have you on board. I'm sure Christina has shown you the ropes and your trailer. If you don't mind I'm going to go get your co-star who has just arrived." she stormed off. Christina made me memorise the map on my phone and made sure I had read over my application form.

"No fucking way!" shouted a familiar voice.

I looked up from my phone. It was Dylan. No freaking way this was true! Dylan and I were co-stars in the same movie! I ran over and hugged him. His touch lingered on my skin once he let go. "You know Dylan?" Pat said. Do I know him? I'm in love with him. Woah, did I just say that?

"Yes, we're good friends actually" I finally replied.

"I slept over at her house last night, I drove her up here" Dylan laughed. His cute little laugh made my stomach bunch up. "It's good that you two know each other. You play lovers in this film as you already know and it would be great if we could start some scenes as soon as possible to see how you guys do" I nodded and looked over at Dylan who had been looking at me.

"Guess I'm your cute co-star" he laughed I gave him a really? look.

"Well, did I catch your eye" I did a twirl. Dylan pulled me in closer."You always have". He smiled.

We headed into the changing rooms and put on our outfits. The first scene was about how the two met on an island. The whole time Dylan is staring at me.

*skip them filming the scene*

 "AND CUT! Ok, guys great first scene now we're moving into an intimate scene so please go change into your next clothes. I relaxed and went into my dressing room. 

I came out in a long dress and large fur coat, I walked out onto the set where artificial snow was falling from snow machines. Dylan was standing there in a winter coat and woollen turtleneck. His hair was groomed and styled with gel. He looked older, in a sexy way if that makes sense. He stood there with his mouth hanging open. I walked over and lifted his jaw with my hand. I walked away. My heart was beating fast. "EVERYONE TAKE YOUR PLACES...AND ACTION" said Pat over a megaphone. Dylan blinked and went into his acting persona.

 We walked over to each other and gazed into each other's eyes. I was meant to act like I was in love with him. This wasn't an act. Not anymore.  The scene ended with a passionate kiss. Dylan held my face and kissed me. I felt his soft lips against mine. His breath was hot and I felt his tongue entwine with mine. The kiss started to get heated before being cut off by Pat. I stepped back and breathed. I looked at Dylan. My lipstick was smeared around his mouth. I reached out a clear it with my finger. "You two were great! You've got amazing on-screen chemistry" and off screen, I thought "We're going to take a quick break whilst we change sets."

I felt like Hannah Montana, I was living two different lives. On set lover with Dylan and at home girlfriend of Thomas. A strong pain hit my stomach. I thought of what Isabella had said during our fight. I could feel tears welling in my eyes, I looked around me and breathed out slowly. This was not the place to have a breakdown. I had to be professional. Whilst changing, all I could think of was what she said. It was eating away at me. I thought about it. I was what she said I was. I am a whore. I am a slut. I'm in a relationship and here I am loving someone else. I was no better than Isabella. I opened the changing room door and headed to set. I felt tears pool up and one fell down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away before anyone saw. The next scene was about to make things a whole lot harder.

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