An awkward confrontation

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We headed to the mall to get lunch. We headed into a tea shop called The Brew. It was a quirky little cafe with loads of books all over it. We sat and had some tea. We picked up some pastries for the group and went to get some food. I got a salad for Kaya and I. Thomas got the guys some sandwiches. Walking back to the jeep, I saw a small maternity boutique that had just opened. I thought we could get some new t-shirts for Kaya there so we headed in. I found some cute t-shirts fo Kaya and went to pay for them. I heard a familiar voice. It was Emma. She was on the phone with someone and was hanging clothes up in the nightwear section. I hadn't talked to her since the fight.

I went to pay for the t-shirts but the lady at the checkout just finished her shift and swapped with Emma. We met eyes. "...Emily, I'm sorry for what I said" she started. "Emma I'm not in the mood ok can I just pay for these and go", I was getting annoyed. "Thomas! We're getting out of here let's go". Thomas, who was smiling at a baby in a pram, noticed what was going on and came over. "what's going on?" he sounded concerned now. "We were just going", I replied. "wait please...look I'm sorry. I was just jealous of you and Thomas and I couldn't stand how everyone around me was so happy whilst I was alone. I dumped Jason. Turns out he had a wife. I'm sorry ok, what I said in the fight wasn't me. You know I didn't mean any of it, not one word. Please, Emily...please", she cried. I could see she really meant it. I hated seeing her so sad and i hated not talking to her. I went over and hugged her. "I forgive you", i said almost in tears.

Thomas started clapping and invited Emma over for lunch with us at Thomas'. "Um...ok. My shift finishes in 20 minutes, I'll meet you guys there. Thomas and I headed for the jeep and went home. There we were greeted by the group who were really hungry. I gave Kaya her new t-shirts. "Emily! you're so sweet. Thank you." She hugged me and went to join Will on the sofa. "Guys my best friend Emma is joining us for lunch" I announced. "cool, the more the merrier," said Dylan.

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