The mysterious Emily

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Turns out celebrities are much more friendly than I thought and I got kaya's number by the end of the film. "so when did you and Thomas become a thing" Kaya teased. 

"AVA what have you been telling her?! trust me we are NOT a thing" I corrected blushing.

 "well you like him don't you?" kaya said with a smirk

 "yeah...I mean.....yeah I do.... I do like Thomas" I said. I was blushing.HARD. "but it doesn't matter because he doesn't like me back," I said. 

"well, based off what I've heard about you from Thomas he sure does seem to like you back. I felt my heart pounding in my chest before I could say anything we heard the door open.

"we're hhhhhooooooommmmmmmeeeee!" shouted a voice the hallway and before I could turn my head Dylan O'Brien had dived on top of us and was pretending to sleep. "Jesus Christ Dylan you're going to kill them" shouted another voice. It was Ki Hong Lee. "Get off us you twat!" shouted Ava and pushed Dylan off us; he fell on the floor with a thud. when he got up he saw me and just stared. "um, hi. I am... um, Dylan" he stared at me for a bit longer. This is awkward.

"Well, um Dylan. It's nice to meet you. I'm um Emily Montgomery"

Will came over  "the mysterious Emily glad to finally make your acquaintance I'm Will sorry about my suddenly mute friend". I hugged all three of them and wondered where Thomas was. 

As if by magic, the door creaked open and in came Thomas carrying 5 shopping bags still in his suit. "bloody hell Dylan you were meant to help me wi-.Emily omg I thought you said you were going home" he jogged over and hugged me. I felt a tingling sensation shoot through me when he touched my skin. His cologne flooded my nose and I felt my heart flutter. . "funny thing is, is that I just moved next door". Dylan elbowed Thomas to go to the kitchen to unload the groceries. 

The rest of us sat back down only for me to see the exchange of glances and looks around the room. "what?" I said. They all replied with "Dylan likes you". I went bright red with embarrassment. Kaya saw this and changed the subject by shouting at Dylan about what was for dinner. I checked my phone to see that I had 5 missed calls from Emma and messages from Rachel. It was 9:00 pm

Emily, we are so sorry for teasing you earlier we're sorry we were just excited.

-Rachel (8:22 pm)

Emily seriously! Come home I have big news!!!

-Rachel (8:44 pm)

I told Kaya and Ava I had to check on my friends next door so I'll be back in 10. I headed over to my house to find Matt and Rachel crying with happiness. Matt had proposed. "Emily, you're here omg look at my ring I'm going to get married" she seemed so happy and so did Matt who had flown from Washington DC to propose. "omg congratulations you guys I'm so happy for you! Do your mom and dad know?" I asked. "oh my god I totally forgot I need to tell them in person right away I have to go" her and Matt left for Washington that night.

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