Breakfast in Boxers

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I waltzed downstairs into the kitchen to find Thomas. "who was that on the phone? they sounded worried about you" he questioned. "it was just a friend who I went to the bar with last night". I had just noticed that Thomas was standing there in the kitchen in just his boxers. "um aren't you going to get dressed?" to which he replied. "It's rude to stare you know, besides... aren't you?" I realised that I didn't have any clothes to get dressed into. I asked for a t-shirt and some sweatpants both of which didn't fit me and started to pack up my things. "Emily why don't I give you my number and we could meet up for lunch or coffee sometime," he said and picked up my phone. He entered his digits and went to get dressed.

He came out in a suit. He looked handsome. His hair was brushed back and which made him look sexy. I wanted to kiss him but I didn't know if he felt the same way. Instead, I asked "What kind of interview requires you to dress like that?" he laughed and smiled at me and said, "I thought you knew". He gave me a smirk and walked out the door before I could say anything about what he meant.

I gathered all my things and went out the front door. I realised where I was. I was on my road. to be more precise I was next door to MY house. I had moved in next to Thomas unknowingly. I ran into my house to be greeted by Rachel and Emma. "hey where did you go last night? you weren't picking up your phone" said Emma. "I met a boy last night." "what? How could you not tell us? we knew you had it in you"  they chorused. " His name is Thomas Sangster and he's from London. I slept over at his house last night." I replied. Rachel giggled "oooooh scandalous Emily" she winked. "ugh no nothing like that happened. We're just friends he did it as a nice gesture and besides I don't think he likes me in that way" I said sadly. "you must be still hungover of course he likes you he wouldn't have invited you round to his place if he didn't" Rachel encouraged.

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