Two Strangers One picture

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We got to the bar. It was illuminated with fairy lights and lanterns. It looked magical. We all walked into the entrance linked arm in arm ready to take on the night. We all ordered our drinks and made our way to the Garden. "This is so pretty all the lights look like stars, I think we should come here more often" commented Rachel. 

"Alright enough about the lightbulbs I'm ready to par-ta aaa yy" exclaimed Emma. And with that, she whisked the three of us inside onto the dance floor to find adventure. After dancing and a few drinks, Emma and Rachel were already with talking to some guys and I was left alone out to wander back out into the garden.

Lining the perimeter were these benches and tables all lit with various lanterns and candles. It might have been just the lights but I was feeling completely and utterly content and didn't want the night to end. 

It was at that moment I felt a tap on my shoulder, "Excuse me, Miss, can you take a picture of me and my friend" said a deep voice. Without thinking I turned and nodded my head to what seemed like a man in his mid-twenties hand me his phone. I pointed the camera at the guys and took the picture. I checked to see if it came out alright and on the screen saw a handsome young man with caramel hair and gorgeous chocolate brown eyes. I peered at the picture more and checked to see I wasn't imagining this until I looked up from the phone and there he was. The mysterious young man with the eyes. The eyes I fell in love with. And to my amazement, they were staring right back at me.

I blinked twice to confirm that what I was seeing was true not just some trick of the light. The man approached me and said, "why is a pretty girl like you standing around alone?" My mind spun and suddenly I just replied with "Emily. My name is Emily" (what a stupid thing to say in such a retard I screamed in my head). " a beautiful name for a beautiful girl. I'm Thomas" I was lost for words, I was lost in those eyes.

Again another shockingly short chapter, I'll just shut up and let you get to the longer ones.

-Molly xxx

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